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Update from the confused lesbian

Hi Em and Michael, thank you for your advice on AMA. I went out again with this same woman (and yes, she is 1000% gay) and we got talking about relationships and what we both want from one. We both want exactly the same thing, so I casually said that we should date each other but in a serious way, no laughter after it. She said that friends can't date friends because it will ruin the friendship and went on to tell em that I am beautful and will find someone one day. So I guess I know now, it is a friendzone situation. Just wanted to update you. I will focus on a massive trip I have coming up in a few weeks time, then maybe go online dating after that (but probably won't because it really is awful). From a now less confused lesbian who's a little bit sad.

Dirty little secret

So! I've been in a relationship with my partner for 3 years (hi, gay!) and things have been going along well. However, for all of those three years I have been hidden from the view of his friends and family - in fact they don't even know I exist! I'm now in my 30's (he is mid-30's) and there is no sign that he will pluck up the courage to tell those closest to him about me anytime soon. I feel like his dirty little secret. Should I call it now, or do I keep waiting? The guilt of wanting him to speed-up the 'coming-out' process is enough, but the impact that this is having is also significant. Thank you for making such a fabulous and inclusive poddie x

Friendship Gap

Perhaps to personal but interested in the friendship history between Em and Michael, particularly the gap years and the reunion. Enjoyed the story of you meeting in on the episodes.

Upcoming Referendum

Hi Em Can we have an episode or in AMA, a rundown of the pros and cons of both Yes and No votes for the upcoming referendum. You are a fabulous ally for the firsts nations people and I have heard conflicting information about it being good and bad for them. perhaps you can have a guest who could explain things.

Lost Opportunity

What is an opportunity that got away?