Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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my massive cock

Hey babes. Can you remind the girls and the gays that the ‘my massive cock’ doco is on Stan. Xo Lachy.

Olympic Playlist

Hey Em With the Olympic happening and your love of music it's got me wondering about playlists. I'm wondering what your playlist would be if you were competing in the following events. Greco-Roman wrestling Equestrian Artistically swimming What would your warm/pump up song be? The victory song and cool down song be? What would be the song you would play for the performance as well. Love the show and think that you are amazing. Also a massive thanks for the community that you have create, everyone in the Facebook group are amazing and supportive. Can't wait to see the Melbourne Show. Maryanne

Am I the asshole?

Hi Em, I have a question about if I am the asshole in this situation. My partner and I have been together for 13 years and engaged for 10 of those. I have one child and we share another three children. I have dedicated all these years to raising the children while he works away and while he has a second job on his days home. I have essentially solo parented for our entire relationship. My problem here is he comes from a family where money is everything and they are extremely tight but well off as a result. My mother in law gives my father in law a weekly allowance while she lives as she pleases and to me this is financially abusive. My partner disagrees and therefore leaves me in the position of our bank account, four properties and car is his name solely while I own nothing on paper and have no bank account. My partner will not budge on this as he sees no problem as I would own half in a divorce according to him. Am I the asshole for wanting to own things on paper too as a woman in her 30’s? I feel like a complete loser having nothing to my name when I’ve worked just as hard in the home as he has at work. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Em and Rob Mills "Poor Men" episode

I am in a Rob Mills rabbit hole lol. I mean honestly what's not to love about a good looking guy who genuinely seems like a pretty good guy. I have been listening to this episode and I love Em a lot. You went pretty hard on Rob in this episode, I think I understand why you did this, and it was essential (I am also acknowledging that I have internalised misogyny without a doubt). "get to the point girl!" - My question is did this interview cause any issues between the two of you? Also acknowledging that I have asked this question before listening to your new episode with Rob, so you may cover it in this episode.

The other day the YouTube algorithm presented me with a video of you from your radio days with Harley. It was when Ed Sheeran popped in, you were very excited. It was a great segment! Halfway through a woman walks in and says something to you. Almost appears to be scolding you for something. I instantly put her on my shit list. I may have read the situation all wrong, but do you remember what she may have said? Loved Outgrown so much!! Thankyou (Jude).

The other day the YouTube algorithm presented me with a video of you from your radio days with Harley. It was when Ed Sheeran popped in, you were very excited. It was a great segment! Halfway through a woman walks in and says something to you. Almost appears to be scolding you for something. I instantly put her on my shit list. I may have read the situation all wrong, but do you remember what she may have said? Loved Outgrown so much!! Thankyou (Jude).