Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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What Olympic Sport would you want to represent Australia in?

Hi Em, I know you are an amazing athlete and we’re on track for the Olympics. Other than your previous sport, if you could pick any sport and just be BAM Olympic level. Which sport would it be and why? Much love Emsolator Hannah

Am I the asshole for not believing my psychologist?

I am being assessed for ADHD and ASD. After the interview with my parents for my ADHD, the psychologist said I don’t fit the criteria for an ADHD diagnosis because most of my symptoms have only appeared in adulthood, and that I more likely have ASD. I’ve always thought I was more ASD than ADHD so at first I just accepted this comment. However, I’ve often heard you mention that your ASD bullies your ADHD and wondered if this was happening to me. The psychologist said herself that I grew up in a structured, routine driven, organised household which suited me perfectly and it wasn’t until I was out in the world making my own decisions that my ADHD really started to show. Do I need to trust the assessment and decision or should I fight for what I believe? Or am I just a self-diagnosing, hypochondriac who wants the ADHD label for reasons I should probably investigate?

Mt Washmore

Hi Em, I just want to say THANK YOU for the advice/info you gave a couple of weeks ago about washing. Someone asked a question about where to put their washing line and you spoke about how you’d read an article saying that washing doesn’t have an end point. That rang so true for me. Every weekend I’d be smashing out load after load to get to the ‘bottom’ of the basket - only to have it full again. BUT - I ran out of steam when it came to putting it away (don’t even talk to me about ironing - invention of the patriarchy!) and we’d end up living out of washing baskets. Since listening to your explanation, I’ve changed my view. I now do one load - dry - put away. I’ve had empty washing baskets for TWO WEEKS!!! It’s a record! Thank you, thank you! BTW - loved you in Ballarat - Eostrogenia was a HIT!

When you get recognised in public

Hi Em, Random question. When you get recognised out in the wild with Elio with you, does he wonder why random strangers start talking to you? Does he like it, or does it stress him? Cheers, Michelle, a fan that would be far to terrified to say anything to you if i did see you in the wild 🤣

What 2 random things shouldn’t go together, but do?

Who didn’t love watching random sports over the last 2 weeks? Em, did you catch the Dutch Dressage final performance was performed to the F1 opening title music? Thought you might need to see that. Along those lines, if you could put 2 very different worlds together what would they be?