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Tina Arena

What are your thoughts on Tina Arena? She seems to hold some problematic views..

Phone lock screens

Hi Em,Michael and Ben What photos does everyone have as their phone lock screen photo?

Work style

Hi Em and Michael You have spoken on the pod about Em has lots of unread emails, missed calls and texts on her phone. What are you like Michael?

Disability in Wicked

Hi Em, I recently posted in the FB group about my experience taking my 16 year old to see Wicked in Melbourne, and we'd love to hear your thoughts because we are both big fans of yours. Basically, I have loved Wicked since I saw it in 2008, and we regularly listen to several songs from the soundtrack. My teenager had never seen it and really wanted to, so of course we went to see it. Kiddo has cerebral palsy, is neurodivergent and has other disabilities, and after the show we talked about the way disability was portrayed. They were justifiably disappointed and annoyed at the ableism that much of the story hinges on, and so was I of course. We were also very disappointed at the decision to have NesaRose played by an able-bodied actor. It really changed my view of the show and left a bad taste in my mouth. Given how much you love Wicked, what are your thoughts on this? Thanks, V x

Outgrown Costume

Hey lovelies, Please help because it feels like I’m losing my marbles 😂 Have you had a costume change for the outgrown show? I saw the Adelaide show and I’m certain I didn’t see you in the outfit in all the Tasmania photos and I’m feeling like an idiot but just can’t figure out what’s going on! Thank you 🥰