Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Dinner for 6

Question for both of you: If you could choose 5 people to have dinner with (here with us or no) who would they be? Em your in my 5

A tricky question…

I don’t want this question to come across as transphobic at all because I love the queer community. What are your thoughts on trans people competing in sport? I know you were an athlete so just wondering your thoughts on this topic? Love you and Michael so much! Xxx

Not a question, but…

Thanks for the “Welcome Podcast” to confirm that I’d subscribed. I’d had a few chardys and wasn’t sure if I’d done it properly! Also, “Good for You” Em! You’ll be fabulous!


Why do you feel the need to apologise for asking us (your following) to pay up & subscribe? You create amazing content & deserve to be paid. So Why do you feel the need to apologise for it? Pls stop doing that. But pls dont stop being f*cken amazing... ps. love the use of the C bomb in the first ep.. bravo queen x

Not a question

I don't financially subscribe to anything! Like anything! When I saw Em talk about backing herself I felt her worry and just had to. It's my birthday next Thursday the 11th so this is my present to me! I hope you get to your target. Flap up!