Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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AMA Michael addition

If you were to write a tv series about a certain someone’s tales in radio would it be a morning wars type drama or a the office type comedy

Dream Diva writing!

Hi Michael if you had the chance to make / write something about a diva (all or part of their life) who would it be? What would you do? Eg documentary, tv series, movie. What style? Eg comedy, rom com, drama :) Thank you! Adore this pod so so grateful you both exist at the same time I do xo

Remaking a movie

Hi Michael, if someone gave you unlimited budget to remake a Hollywood classic. What would you make?

Best Madonna songs

Hi Em and Michael, What are both your top 5 Madonna songs? Curious to see if you agree or differ. C’mon… I’m waiting…. 🎶

Maltese sisters

Hi Em, Michael and team, I was in the Launceston show with my Maltese sisters, it was really great to meet you and watch your amazing show! Its like nothing else out there and was exquisite! Anyway, I got a bit shy to ask my question, so here I am. I am the youngest of six children, four sister and one brother. I always wanted to know Em do you have siblings? If so what number are you? And thank you.