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with Emsolation Extra

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Favourite guilty comfort food?

Please hit me with your favourite guilty comfort foods? the food you will scoff down when nobody else is watching. Me personally and as weird as this is about to sound - Jatz crackers, jalapeño hummus and tinned smoked oysters (don't knock it until you try it).

A lovenundrum question

I think I spelt lovenundrum wrong but you get the idea. I have been on a few (what I thought was) dates with an amazing woman (I am also a woman). We hit it off and gel so well and can talk for hours on end about everything and anything, including spending an entire day together. We text each other most days as well. I definitely feel like there is more there but on our most recent dinner, a workmate of hers joined us for the last hour. I know this workmate is straight and also engaged, they are just really good friends. We sat around talking and laughing which was great. But I'm trying to figure out if I am friend-zoned or how I work out if there is more there? Maybe I just have to ask her direct but I am so bad at these things. While I have had the odd brief gay relationship that last a month or 2 but then fizzle out, I really want this one to work. She is truly amazing. Do I just go for the friend angle and see if it progresses one day? Please help me out. Thanks....a confused lesbian.

You had me at Hello

Would follow you anywhere Em, have been since your Perth radio days. Your humble little podcast changed my life and helped me to feel not so alone while going through some pretty heavy stuff healthwise that’s turned my world upside down. Just a quick question where will we have access to the preshow meetings, is that part of the Close Friends list on Insta or is that on here?

Massive Good For Her!

What's the biggest, pie in the sky, dream you have for Emsolation? I'd love to see an independently produced variety show (similar to the Christmas party) or talk show. I can't wait to see where you take this!

Monthly subscription payment date

Hey just wanted to check on the monthly payment date for monthly subscriptions, 1st, last day of the month? the date you subscribed?? will it be automatic or will we need to go and make payment, thanks in advance. Kim