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with Emsolation Extra

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Happy Hip

Hey Em & Michael, long time listener, first time questioner, absolutely LOVE the Pod and Em, you were simply spectacular in Newy šŸ’œ. @Michael you have been full of the joy of life and in fine form after your hip surgery, not that you werenā€™t fabulous before but you obviously have so much less pain in your life now (also assuming you and Adrian are back in the saddle on the regular šŸ˜‚). Did you realise how much the constant pain was affecting your life before the op? My hubby had surgery a couple of years ago and it was the best thing he ever did.

Free Ballinā€™ equivalent

What would the female version of free ballinā€™ be? Wind between my flaps? Did I just answer my own question? At least itā€™s a question and not a statement šŸ˜‚

Should I go see Dear Evan Hansen?

Dear Em I love musical theatre (my favourite is Come From Away) Iā€™ve heard Dear Evan Hansen mentioned a lot, and I was planning to go and see it when it comes to Melbourne. I just read that there is a suicide theme in the show, Iā€™m quite triggered by suicide (my dad committed suicide in 2021) How heavily does the story lean into this theme? Is it a ā€œfeel goodā€ show in the end or something different? Emsolator Kylie

Are you ready to be your mother in-law

Forgive me for the wording of this question if it offends- I, like you, have shared very very similar experiences with my mother in-law. Now she has passed, and my neurodivergent son is older, Iā€™m the mother in-law. The ā€œthingsā€ being relayed to me, and experiences Iā€™m having feel like Iā€™ve become her. Do you worry that youā€™re going to be ā€œTHATā€ mother in-law one day?, and how would you like to have these problems brought up to you in conversation? From a now ā€œMarie Barroneā€

JLoā€™s This is meā€¦ now - ok stop?

Hi Em and Michael, I just finished watching J.Loā€™s the greatest love story never told doco and I have new found respect for J.Lo. The poor lady took herself on self funded, wild trip down memory lane, all for the sake of art. What a woman! It was nice to see snippets of J.Lo and Ben together, they did look happy. Anyways, Iā€™m about to watch the this is me.. now film she created, but I wanted to ask if Michael and yourself planned on doing an ā€œok stopā€ on the film? I would love to hear your thoughts! Also, congrats on the success of the Outgrown tour! I hope to see you live one day. Much love, Tori