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with Emsolation Extra

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Five Bedrooms

Is this the final season!? It’s been a consistently great show. PS- keep casting Stephen Peacocks please 😍

Special Mention

First I hope Em isnt feeling to shitty. Had covid 2 weeks ago myself. I was hoping a special mention could be done for high school bestie & Fellow Emsolator & subscriber Wendy. She turns 42 in 2 weeks and is leaving to do the kokoda trek at sparrows fart on Friday morning so she'll be away for her birthday. She's done this trek before and is hoping to do it even better than before.


So I have teenagers, a boy and a girl. People talk a lot about the hard physical work of raising little kids but I have found raising teens coming with a lot of emotional work and investment of time I hadn’t heard anyone talk about. Can you tell us your observations on having both teens and littles? What is your best advice for parenting a teen?

Michael and Adrian Fight

What was Michael’s Madonna fight with Adrian?

Baby name - Advice please?

I have a baby name that I'm dying to use if I have a girl. But it's the feminine version of my brother's middle name. Do I have to ask him? How do I ask? He's not in a relationship and, to my knowledge has not none on the way. I don't want to be an asshole, first and foremost. We're not super close but I do respect him. As a neurodiverse magic brained lass myself, and pregnant with #2, I'm spiralling. Help?