Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Em, recently you posted about being in your 40’s and having confidence to be fierce and do all the things. I am a similar age, and while I know I have good things to say, I am getting more anxious speaking in public, talking up, and less confident in delivering my thoughts. I would love to know, how do you manage your nerves when public speaking, how do you shake off the imposter syndrome and what are your tips for the inevitable post-mortem that we conduct in our heads - ‘shouldn’t have said that, what the fuck was I thinking saying that……etc’ In short, how do we own our power? Thank you


Hey Em and team, just wanted to say thank you for everything, not only did u help my recognise i have ADHD, but u make me laugh so hard. As a gay man in Aus i love your'e podcast, more dick talk for sure. Just upped for a year cant wait to go on this journey with you.😍🍆

The dog!!

Hi friends!! Michael, every time I watch Five Bedrooms (excellent television) it takes me several minutes to get over the fact there’s a dog in the opening credits and not in show!!! I get so frustrated that I miss so much going down the rabbit hole in my head about the dog!! Was there supposed to be a dog? Did it not want to be a celeb and quit?? What is this false hopes bullshit!!! WHERE IS THE DOG!!!! Ps… I fucking love everything that is Emsolation. Hardcore Xx

Great expectations

When you first thing about creating and podcast back in lockdown days, what were your expectations and have they surpassed with where you are right now.

Most defining moments in life

What are some of your most life defining moments? Ones that have really made you stop and change your path or something etc.