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with Emsolation Extra

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Singing in the Family

Hello, Re: singing. When did you know you could sing? Did you have lessons growing up? Did Chella have lessons? Did you encourage her to explore her singing voice/talent? Or was it something she came to of her own volition? How does it feel to share this special thing with her? What does it feel like to harmonise together? Spiritual? Or am I projecting? Does/Can Odie sing? If not, does she wish she could? Lastly, I have heard it said, that anyone could learn how to sing? This person has obviously never heard me! I know and understand it takes years of work to be a sinGER, I’m just talking about carrying a tune. What are your thoughts on this statement?

Am I the Arsehole - Outgrown Etiquette

Hi Em and the Emsolation Team 🙂 I want to know if I’m the arsehole? I recently came to the Rads Outgrown show and it was amazing, spectacular and just all around outstanding!!! The only thing that has perturbed me was throughout the show there were two people directly in front of us who were speaking nonstop throughout the show along with scrolling on their phones and showing each other all sorts, they were the last around us to be seated and came in with multiple drinks each and were clearly making a night of it. I let it go for as long as I could but noticing frustration along with that of those around me (I have a habit of being affected by other’s emotions) i ended up leaning forward to ask them to keep the conversation down so those around them could enjoy the show. Now this is where I wonder if by asking them to stop talking because whilst these folk were causing myself (and others) frustration I also understand that everyone experiences outings and shows differently and now I question if I took the shine off of their experience with my actions? So I question Am I the Arsehole? Thanks again for a great night. Emsolator Jasyn

Wicked casting deep dive

Hi Em If you could chose the cast of Wicked on stage. Who would you cast for each role? (Dead or alive). I'd love to hear your thoughts x

Drag Queen/ Drag King Name

Hi Em and Ben, if you did drag. What would be your Drag Queen/ Drag King Names?

Misheard lyrics

Hi Em, I just wanted to let you know that up until a few years ago I thought Credence Clear water’s ‘bad moon rising’ said ‘there’s the bathroom on the right’ in the chorus 🤷🏻‍♀️ Your Toowoomba show was incredible by the way 💕 Have a good day, Maddie