Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Am I the arsehole? Or help me avoid it!

Hi Em, Am I the arsehole? My partner has surprised me with a week long holiday later in the year “for my birthday”. I don’t know where we are going or what we are doing. Just that I have to take leave. He has organised everything including care for our son. How do I tell him that I don’t want to go? I love my job and don’t want to take long service leave. It’s the worst time to take off and something I’ve never done in my whole career. Something that he basically should have known about me. I don’t want to spend a week away from my son and don’t want to waste money on holiday that I’ve had no input into. I can’t help but think he has done it for the glory and not actually for me. How do I explain this to him without being an ungrateful bitch? I basically want to scream at him, I don’t want a fucking holiday, I just want you to do your fair share!!! Do I suck it up and just go? If so, how do I not resent him in the process. I know this is such a first world problem, however it has me spiralling. Any guidance would help. Love the pod!

Em's workout routine

Em, what was it that inspired you to start going to the gym, what do your activity days involve and can you describe some ways it supports your mental well-being?

Changing beliefs about yourself

Hey Em, what is the worst thing you believed about yourself before your diagnosis with AuDHD? Loved Outgrown, thank you for sharing your experience, gifts and talents, Emsolator Colleen

Thoughts on Autistic representation in mainstream media

Hey Em, curious to hear your take on the new ABC show, Austin, featuring the talented Autistic actor Michael Theo. Another addition to the collection of neurodivergent white male characters, but is it a step in the right direction for genuine autistic representation? Does Michael Theo's performance brings a new level of representation to mainstream media? - Yannon

Clothesline positions & Would You Rather Qs

Hey Em, I’m the Emsolator who asked the question about Liz Hurley and her son. Just wanted to say a belated thank you for such a great Ok! Stop! on that topic. I have a new question for you. This is a completely first world problem (for which I’m very very grateful to have) but I’d love your opinion on where to put our clothesline. We’ve never had an in-the-ground one and, being just north of Sydney, we are able to pop our portable ones outside in Summer and then bring them in in Winter. But… we’ve finally bought one of those ones you can fold down and I’m trying to figure out where to put it. Do we: A) Put it on the flat, undercover (so no sun) spot directly across from our back doors; but therefore visible from the living/dining/kitchen space? Or b) put it up in the garden, in mostly sun, but on a slope and about 10m away from the back doors - so, not visible but also slightly more annoying to get to (we have a steep driveway that runs up the side of our house so it’d mean walking up that). I know this is so ridiculous really and I’m incredibly grateful to have this be what’s on my mind today. But I’d love your advice. Put it where I can see it (and will therefore be more likely to actually use it; but it won’t get any sun?) or put it in a sunny, more difficult to get to spot? Also… found these fabulous Would You Rathers I’d also love to hear you talk through: Would you rather always have an eyelash in your eye or always have a hair in your butt crack? Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout? Would you rather not be able to control your laughter, or not be able to control your tears? Would you rather only be able to speak in riddles or have to sing every sentence? Would you rather have to communicate only in emojis for a day or speak in rhyme for a week? Would you rather have to communicate solely through interpretive dance for a day or speak only in puns for a week? Thanks!! Can’t wait to see you tonight in Syd xx