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with Emsolation Extra

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The elites

Why can the entertainment industry get away with cocaine use, but normal people get arrested for it?


My friend just passed his very hard membership exams and I want to get him a gift. We know Aussies love to give the gift of booze. He's a mad swifty, so I want to get him Tay Tays favourite drink! Do we know what that is? James? Help! Does she love a red wine? Champagne? Cock sucking cowboy? Very important, must answer asap, please and thank you

Michael's Playlist

Can we please have a link to Michael's Last Hip Hooray Party Playlist!? Pretty please!

Family diynamic following

Hi Em, can I ask if the family dynamic has changed at all since Scott's diagnosis? What prompted him to get assessed and has that knowledge (and medication if applicable) changed anything for him or the family?

Drag Race

Hi Em! I have been living under a rock and up until the other night I hadn’t seen any drag race. I have heard of it obviously but never watched the show. But now I’m obsessed! As I know you’re a big fan of the show I was hoping you could give me a beginners breakdown of best seasons/spin offs to watch? Or any information I should know it would be greatly appreciated. :) I tried doing a good old deep dive but I got super overwhelmed by all the info out there haha. See you in Adelaide for Outgrown! Love Kathryn