Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Fave ep

Hi Em and Michael, What were your favourite episodes of Emsolation to record? Cheers, Anna

Fan Fic or Secret accounts

Em can you please tell us ONE of your writing names for your fan fic or your secret social accounts to argue with idiots? Plllllleeeeeaaaaasee 🙏 love you and Michael!!

A simpler time……mixed lollies chat

The year is 1989, you have a whole $0.50 to spend on mixed lollies at the local milk bar. What are you buying?

What item of your parents do you wish you accidentally find and wish you hadn’t?

When I was younger I found a contraption in my mums top drawer. It was a giant index finger with a thumb on the side. I thought it was cool but never understood what it was. When I went shopping as an adult for my first vibrator it suddenly hit me. I would have bloody picked that thing up for inspection too. Eeeewww!!

Tv shows you watched behind your parents back

What tv show did you sneakily watch as a pre-teen / early teen that your parents banned you from? (Mine was E-street!)