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with Emsolation Extra

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Should I go see Dear Evan Hansen?

Dear Em I love musical theatre (my favourite is Come From Away) I’ve heard Dear Evan Hansen mentioned a lot, and I was planning to go and see it when it comes to Melbourne. I just read that there is a suicide theme in the show, I’m quite triggered by suicide (my dad committed suicide in 2021) How heavily does the story lean into this theme? Is it a “feel good” show in the end or something different? Emsolator Kylie

Free Ballin’ equivalent

What would the female version of free ballin’ be? Wind between my flaps? Did I just answer my own question? At least it’s a question and not a statement 😂

Happy Hip

Hey Em & Michael, long time listener, first time questioner, absolutely LOVE the Pod and Em, you were simply spectacular in Newy 💜. @Michael you have been full of the joy of life and in fine form after your hip surgery, not that you weren’t fabulous before but you obviously have so much less pain in your life now (also assuming you and Adrian are back in the saddle on the regular 😂). Did you realise how much the constant pain was affecting your life before the op? My hubby had surgery a couple of years ago and it was the best thing he ever did.

Maltese sisters

Hi Em, Michael and team, I was in the Launceston show with my Maltese sisters, it was really great to meet you and watch your amazing show! Its like nothing else out there and was exquisite! Anyway, I got a bit shy to ask my question, so here I am. I am the youngest of six children, four sister and one brother. I always wanted to know Em do you have siblings? If so what number are you? And thank you.

Best Madonna songs

Hi Em and Michael, What are both your top 5 Madonna songs? Curious to see if you agree or differ. C’mon… I’m waiting…. 🎶