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with Emsolation Extra

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Baby on the way

Hi Em and Michael I'm due to have my second baby any day now and loosing my shit with the hormones/emotions (Michael I do blame you a little but thank you for bringing us Stephen Peacocke in a kilt) Em how the eff did you navigate this?

Newsreader release date?

Question for Michael, when is the newsreader season two coming out?

Kensington Kontent

For Michael, what's your favourite thing (other than Beyonce) that you've seen on the UK leg of your trip so far? Anything quirky or funny or cool that you'd like to share with us Emsolators living vicariously through the content in the Insta stories.

Why am I “clutching my pearls”?

From one awesome Mumma to another… My 17 year old (year 12) daughter has been dating a boy for around 2 months (she’s known him through her work for around a year.) She asked him out on their first date “Good for HER!” and they’ve dated regularly since then. We’ve met him a couple of times so far. She’s recently asked us, when can he start to sleep over or can she stay at his place? I’m hesitant because… well… I don’t know why! We talk about safe sex & consent often (much to her discomfort!). She’s always followed the rules, she study’s hard, works part time etc etc etc. I feel like there’s an element of “good girls don’t sleepover at boys houses” that’s holding me back… What should I do? Is this internalised misogyny?


I was diagnosed with ADHD last year (thanks to you making me aware of my ADHD symptoms Em). As I’ve learnt more about ADHD and ASD over the past year, I’m starting to see myself in many ASD women too. Can you speak to how one can untangle the two? What kind of places can I go to learn more about late diagnosis for women in ADHD/ASD specifically? What did you find helped you the most? (Extra points for audio based resources). Much love (and gratitude) to you and the team. Thank you for your work, Katherine x