Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Was this always the plan?

EM, Obviously COVID was devastating for many reasons, including the effect it had on live entertainment. However, is there a tiny part of you that is grateful for what lockdown led you to? What were your plans going into 2020? Was a podcast on the horizon anyway and lockdown just pushed it forward? I listened to you in your “Deeply Shallow” times and hands down think you’re the best podcaster I listen to.

Single and not sure how to mingle

Hi Em and Michael! So I've been a single woman now for 7 years and I really want to put myself out there again and start dating again but I just don't know what to do. I've tried dating apps and ether people ghost me or just want sex. Which sucks. Just not sure how to find someone. As all the circles I mingle in everyone is ether taken or I'm not their type for example a gay male. HELP THIS SINGLE PRINGLE OUT!

Are you lost baby girl, part 3.

Hi Em and Michael, Firstly, thank you so much for the joy and laughter you both bring to my commutes to and from work. When I have had really shitty days at work you really help me with my third space in transitioning from work to mum on my way home. This means my kids have a happy, fun and engaged Mum when I walk through the door. For that I will be forever grateful. My question for you both is - why have we not had a Em and Michael review of the 3rd instalment of 365 day movies? Would love to hear your thoughts on the final instalment. Especially the Game of Thrones esq Khaleesi and Khal Drogo stick hut scene between Nacho and Laura. Thanks Bec

Arty but not farty

Em, how did you find your adult art/pottery class? New to the full time corporate life in my mid 20s I'm wanting to find a creative escape and new ways to "live my best life". However all the art classes I can find are structured and seem to limit creative freedom, boasting buzz words like "art appreciation" or "history and reflection". The dream would be a cross between free time in the high school art room crossed with a paint and sip night with the girls. Any advice would be appreciated xx

Give up or keep trying?

Hey Em and Michael, my partner and I have been together for 2 years and in that time we have been through ALOT, but lately I have noticed that there are lot of differences in our relationship. When we both want to have kids, when we want to get married, different values that we want to pass on go our kids. Do I cut ties on the relationship or do I keep going because of the good things that we have together?