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Naming help!

Hi friends! I need help with names for my emus that will hatch soon! I'll be keeping a boy and a girl. Would love to hear your suggestions. Also thank you for always making me laugh, can't wait for outgrown! I'm making my husband come with me 😆

Fun Question! Insta

Who is your favourite Instagram account to follow and why?

Time travel

If you could time travel, to what year or era would you go to? Why? BONUS question: Would you change anything (for you personally, or any world event) in the past? Or are we not messing with the space time-continuum in case we inadvertently interfere with the birth of Beyoncé?

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders

Have you watched it & if so, thoughts?

Brimsley & Reynolds

Tell us, what do you think happens to Brimsley & Reynolds are Queen Charlotte?