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with Emsolation Extra

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Merch idea

Hey gang just a quick enquiry I would love if you would make available Emsolation bumper stickers or just normal stickers, even a “Good for Her” “Hi Gay” “Move on” love to put you guys on my car and spread the Emsolation & Emsolation Extra Podcast around❤️ Love ya Narelle


Em you look stunning on every video you post #goodforher, what makeup do you use? Not that we need to mask our natural beaty but still....... ! Xx

Madonna or Lady Gaga

Hi Em and Michael, I love listening to your pods. In the past Madonna has criticised Lady Gaga for copying her style and music . Do you both agree with Madonna’s criticism ? Or is lady Gaga a unique unicorn ? What are your thoughts on this ? Cheers Ernesto

Michael Swims?!

I'm gonna be a thirsty gay *hi gay* and ask what Michael wears to the pool? The whole debate around the chlorine towel hanging got me curious lol

Am I an arsehole mum and wife?

Am I the arsehole wife for being deeply angry and frustrated with my partner? This week my husband finally had his appt to find out about a vasectomy. Our kids are ten and fourteen. I have had a contraceptive device for years vut recently got an endometrial ablation because my periods were so heavy they ejected the Mirena - I’ve been anaemic since our son was born ten years ago. He initially wanted me to go with him to his gp appointment to find out if the recovery was tougher for me if I had my tubes tied (laparoscopic surgery, 5-6 weeks recovery) or for him having his balls snipped. I pointed out I’d had two caesareans, a colonoscopy, gastroscopy, multiple hospital admissions and CT scans thanks to a chronic health condition, two gynae procedures and three iron infusions and that I had never asked him to be there beyond being present for our children’s birth and to pick me up after anaesthetic. He took forever to get an appointment and this week booked in a vasectomy as a full surgical admission at a private hospital with a general anaesthetic. It’s more than $1,000 out of pocket. He was so mad when I got upset because he said he had it handled. Our daughter needs braces, my sister is getting married overseas next year, and he can’t just go get a vasectomy without needing to go fully asleep. Am I an arsehole for being mad?