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with Emsolation Extra

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Hi Em and Michael! Em, i have heard about your siblings, just by mention. But im curious to know more about your family if youre willing to share. Brother, sister, neices, nephews - sibling rivalries growing up etc Michael i would love to know if you too have any brothers or sisters. I adore this pod, youre both doing amazing things - love your work! Nat

Is everyone horrible? 😂

Hi Lovelies! Firstly, thank you for being the highlight of my week! 🩷 I know you’ve previously spoken about the insane treatment you’ve received in the radio and general entertainment industry, but I’ve always wondered if it’s a particular ‘position’ that is worse than others? For example, in general is it just the producers that treat people horribly or the presenters or does it include everyone from marketing, payroll, IT, etc.? ADHD me is certain I’ve both over-explained and also not made any sense, sorry 😂

Hyperfocus power engage!

Love your work, and love the feeling that Im not alone in this! What's your latest hyperfocus activity/hobby? What has been your favourite one so far that you wish you could get the mojo to go back to? I miss roller derby and jewellery making ...wishing the interest would come back after the dollars spent and time engulfed in them 🤣

JPF sing-along

Hi guys. ❤️ u both. After watching JPF doco, and remembering all of his hits, it would be amazing if we could have an emsolation pub choir to JPF, or something to that affect. Obvs once you have come back from the trip of a lifetime, and your shoulder is AOK Em. No biggie 😆 Both of you have a great time

High school Reunion

Hi Em and Michael, When I was in high school I had a very small group of friends at my actual school. My best friend was (and still is) a gay man. We went our seperate ways after going to different universities although we did catch up every now and then. Now in my late 30’s and wanting to reconnect with my old pal. Seeing as you and Michael have such expertise in this area could you provide any advice on how to go about reconnecting. We were inseparable as teenagers and I honestly wouldn’t have made it through high school without him. I would love to have my friend back and also thank him for being such a great mate as teenagers. Love the show and your advice so much, thanks for all your hard work. Lyndal