Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Do you have any siblings? If so, are you close with them?

Silvie Paladino as Norma

Did you love Silvie on Wed night? I saw her when I was expecting Sarah and I think she was amazing. Chills at the end of Just One Look. Also wasn't Tim incredible?

Patriarchy & getting a diagnosis

Hi, My other half won’t accept that he is ADHD. Both our kids are. I am AuDHD. He struggles with putting out the right bins, dinners & managing the kids while working from home & managing his workloads on days I work. He says he is just overwhelmed. I tell him this is ADHD. He also goes from calm to rage machine at the kids a lot & then tells me he’s an awful Dad - which isn’t true. He just needs to not take his anger out on them. What advice would Em & team give on how to make him see that the patriarchy has falsely given him the idea he is neurotypical & how on earth do I get him to an assessment? Help please

Special outfits

Em, What's your rule about a second wear of a 'special occasions' outfit? Can you re-wear it again around the same crowd of people? Will we see the Featherington-come-Barbie dress at the Palais? Loved the bird headpiece. Chella reminded me of that day Michael had hurt his back so bad he could only move his eyeballs for the entire pod!


Hi Em, I finally had a chance to catch up on some insulation episodes today. A comment you made, caught my attention - ‘older sibling’. I didn’t realise you had sibling/s. Just wondering if you’re similar? Eg performer, singer. What was it like growing up etc Thanks Kristy