Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Theme song

Em, in the movie of your life, who plays you? Who plays Michael? And what is THE SONG played during the montage of fabulous costumes scene?

Working hours

Hi Em. Emsolator Lisa writing in. If you could guestimate (guess and estimate) how many hours you work soley on the podcast alone, separate to your solo stuff and unpaid home duties, what do you think that total would be?

Em writing a kids book

Hey Em and Michael! Em, I’m a 44 year old mum who’s bloody loved you since idol days! I feel like I’ve watched your kids grow up along side you! I think you could write an amazing children’s book, is this something you have considered?? Especially for the gorgeous ND babes? I know how busy you are but would love to know if it’s something you’ve thought about. Lots of love, Mandy xx

AMA topic - siblings

Over the years we have come to hear a lot about the immediate family, Vincy, and recently more about Jenny but we never hear about ems sister. I understand if her privacy is a boundary but I’m curious to learn about your dynamic now vs when you were kids. Is she neurodivergent like you and how did that affect your relationship? Love you guys so much! Cheers, Jennifer x

Outgrown Soudscape

Hi Em and Michael! I've been really enjoying the Soundscape you made with Zeke for the Outgrown promo. I was wondering if you would be able to release the instrumentals on Spotify? I am writing my PhD from home and listen to a lot of low-fi instrumental music to concentrate while writing (hello ADHD!). It would be great to stream the soundscape and support Emsolation at the same time. I thought you would like this idea as your always looking to get the most out of your content. If it was available I would legit stream hours of it! Thank you!