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with Emsolation Extra

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For Micheal Re Newsreader and TV writing

Hi Michael, I am always curious about the number of tv show episodes in a season, and the length of the tv show (eg 22 minutes). Who determines this? It is the writer in the first stages or ultimately does it come down to budget/network say? Can you ask for more eps in future seasons when a show is going well? I've seen shows expand going from 6 to 22 eps, or from half hours to full hours. I feel like Newsreader could have more eps per season given you are drawing from real events, and because I want to watch more! But maybe this isn't what you want creatively? Is it harder to make this switch as a writer after a couple of seasons? Love to hear your thoughts. PS Em love you lots, have been following you from London since Instagram fed me some clips of you on Sydney radio. Feels like I have found a kindred neuro spicy spirit, and you have also helped me to accept my qualities that people have told me for years aren't good for a woman. Hugs.


Emmmmm!!! Would you consider selling the pieces you don’t wear anymore on Depop?


Hey Em, you don’t talk a lot about your siblings, I was wondering if you would speak to your upbringing being an overachiever with siblings?

Siblings 😱

Hi Em & Michael! I love the pod!! Thank you ALL so much for all your hard work and dedication to the pod, I love it so much and it doesn’t go unnoticed all the hard work that everyone puts in! Until recently I thought you were an only child Em, but you mentioned briefly (somewhere I can’t remember where 🫣) having a sister, and it made me curious about if you have siblings and if so how many you have etc. I believe Michael is an only child however I could have this wrong too. So, Micheal and Em do you have siblings? If so, how many? Are they older or younger than you? Thank you for answering this question (if you answer it 🤭). Also, 1000% fine if you don’t want to answer it, the internet (and the world) can be a scary place to share information especially personal information. Anyway, love you guys heaps! Keep up the amazing work! ❤️❤️

Am I The Asshole? - December Birthday Edition

Hi Em & Michael, Love the pod! Firstly, I want to say I am loving that we can hear Ben laughing in the background! It definitely adds to the podcast! Okay, are you ready?! Strap yourselves in! I am born close to Christmas within a few days of Christmas - I’m not saying what date because I know of no one that’s born on my date and I want to stay anonymous - “side quest” out of all the births from 2007-2016 my birthday was ranked as a rare/ not common birthday - FYI I was not born in that time period, well before that. Any person born in December/ early January will agree that being born in these months is super shitty, especially when you are born close to Christmas! Anyway, every year I end my birthday in tears and this year (and ongoing) I don’t want to do that. Important note 1: I have 1 friend in particular that always always makes the effort for my birthday whether that’s on the day or before/after my birthday and I absolutely love them for that. Important Note 2: I have another amazing friend that always sends me a card or something for my birthday (important note 3: this person would make the effort and do something with me however they live a 20 hours drive away from me). My other friends that’s a different story! So, why am I ending my birthday in tears every year when I have these fabulous two humans in my life - answer = bitterness. I make such an effort for all of my friend’s birthdays throughout the year and when it comes time for my birthday apart from my two amazing best friends, nobody can be bothered to make the effort because of Christmas and I understand that it is Christmas time however it makes me super super upset and down and I just end up not wanting to celebrate my birthday at all and the thought of my birthday makes me sad and anxious. When I have mentioned this to my friends and/or family I’m met with “aww but your birthday is just so close to Christmas which makes things tricky” or something along those lines. To make matters worse even my family don’t make a real effort for my birthday. We have family dinners etc for everyone in the family, however I don’t get one ever. I have never celebrated any of my significant birthdays on my actual birthday (some significant birthdays I haven’t even celebrated at all). I’ve always had to have my significant birthday parties etc in November to accomodate for people. I have another significant birthday coming up next year and I’m already anxious about it (I know it’s 14 months away 😳🫣) because I want to do something to celebrate on my actual birthday however I know I will be disappointed because apart from my two amazing friends nobody else will make the effort. This year, my amazing best friend who normally always celebrates with me, won’t be in the same city as me and I just don’t know what to do about my birthday because she is the only thing that makes my birthday tolerable. Also, the societal expectations around birthdays such as having multiple people attending your party/event etc contributes to my down mood. So, after all of that (if you are still reading this novel), Am I The Asshole for wanting (and kind of expecting) my friends and family to make the effort to celebrate my birthday every year (especially in 2024)? Also, any advice you can give me, I would love 😍 Thank you for making the pod, especially loving Emsolation Extra! You guys are amazing! ❤️❤️ P.S. Don’t get me started on jointed birthday and Christmas presents 🤬 Ciao! 👋