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with Emsolation Extra

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Dramatic life announcement needs strategic help

Hi Michael and Em, I need your help to design the most epic, extra dramatic and over the top, long game life announcement. Feel free to trim this letter if you do use it ... I am a rambler. You see, over the last three years, I've been undergoing a major internal and external reconstruction. Internally, I've been diagnosed with ADHD and Autism, said goodbye to toxic relationships, and tried to become a better human. Externally, I have banished 110kg from my body, thanks to bariatric surgery, hard work, and amazing support. It has been tough but so worth it. Next Friday, 27 October, I am having major surgery to remove the excess skin in my abdomen. It is really painful now, constantly pulling, so it has to go. I will be in hospital for weeks, then have months of recovery to follow. They're cutting it all off, even my belly button. From the bottom of my bra to the bikini line, and from hip to hip, like an upside down T. I haven't told many people, just my closest handful of friends and my work. The other day, my BFF and I came up with an idea on how to announce the latest transformation. This is what I need your help with. I want to post Swiftie like Easter eggs on Instagram and Facebook whilst I am in recovery. Nothing that shows I'm not at home or work, but that won't look out of the norm until people look back after they know. Then, once I am recovered enough, I am going to make a video, starting with a black screen and voiceover saying that the old me can't come to the phone right now ... Why? Oh, because she's... Then have flashes of photos and videos showing up whilst "Look What You Made Me Do" plays (I might sing it myself). What I need help with is the Easter eggs. What can I post and say to hide that I'm in hospital? But that will eventually show I'm a mastermind? I usually post a lot, so can't just go silent. I need Michael to help script my plan. I need Em to empathise with how hard it's going to be to not just post about it immediately. I need both your help to make this EPIC. Please! P.S. I am coming to the Sydney show and will only be 5 weeks post op. Please don't make me laugh too hard and bust all my stitches.

Lion King thirst trap

Just wondering if Em has seen Silver Rox’s (Insta/tik tok) Scar thirst trap and what are your thoughts? How does Scar compare to Mufasa after watching it?

Novelty Tshirt collection

Hey Michael, I remember Em saying that you have a novelty t shirt collection. Can we please get a photo collection of all of them! Also, where do you get them from?

TV grading also on reality TV?

Question for Mr Michael Lucas. Thanks for the insider intel on TV grading. Jen and Reese look even more impeccable. GOOD FOR THEM! Does the grading process also extend to reality TV? Obvs not to the same extent but RHOBH for instance? Youthful faces, age appropriate necks and hands. Or is it just botox and fillers. Thank you both for filling my life with joy with your amazing content and art. Big thanks Emsolator Renee.

Co-worker - "I don't believe in labels"

From Anon. There is someone at work in a senior position that gets under my skin when they, on a monthly basis, say "I don't believe in labels". I want to be able to shut down this conversation. I am on the bandwagon of straight 40 year old woman recently diagnosed ADHD (thanks Em!). I had no clue anything was up my entire life so never suspected ADHD. It surprises everyone I have it. I don't care to convince people I have it either as I don't want to put my energy into this. This person enjoys initiating and having controversial conversations. They have outwardly expressed on multiple occasions that they don't see the point in people having labels to describe their neurodivergence, gender and sexuality. They have made statements such as "I don't have a problem with gay people, my friends that I had dinner with last night are gay". They make uneducated statements such as "we're all on the spectrum". Whilst they are generally well read on a wide range of topics they have not scratched the surface on exploring neurodivergence. Whilst this is dreadful, the consensus is that they aren't meaning to inflict harm and they don't have the awareness that their statements are hurtful. This person has been very supportive in other ways and they genuinely aren't a malicious character. I've responded in different ways from ignoring and not becoming part of the conversation to responding. I have told them that I believe labels, as this person puts it, are hugely important to people that are seeking help to move forward positively as this can unlock tools to get you and others to a better space. This shut the conversation down quite successfully one time. But then they brought the same topic up again weeks later. I didn't care to repeat myself. There's something about this person that it gets under my skin that they don't take ADHD seriously. I've not directed told them I'm diagnosed but I'm fairly sure they have been told through the grapevine that I am diagnosed and am medicated. I have been incredibly open with my diagnosis journey with my supportive colleagues, one of which is self diagnosed ADHD since childhood. I have not formally reported my diagnosis to work. Also, the most ridiculous thing is that the perpetrator has, without doubt, ADHD. Funny how ADHDers attract in the workplace. Undiagnosed, it shows up in every part of their life in every single minute. They used to joke often about themself being autistic (in another instance of poor taste) until I very directly told them no, you have ADHD. It was around this time the conversation pivoted to "I hate labels". I do wonder if they bring the "I hate labels" conversation up to try and get me to tell them my diagnosis directly. This doesn't feel like a safe space to bring it up in though. They say controversial things often to get attention (dopamine hit?). Often I turn a blind eye to these conversations, whether I engage or not, but I really feel strongly about needing to take action in some way to shut this one down once and for all. In an ideal world they'd go away and deep dive learn about ADHD as they have with other medical conditions in the past - they subscribe and recite journals from Nature (a library of medical journals) often. Then perhaps they'd have some empathy, which currently is non existent. In an ideal world they also get diagnosed and medicated because this would also make the work environment less chaotic. Advise from Em and Michael would be gratefully received. Love the pod and all your opinions! Anon x