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with Emsolation Extra

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Outgrown live show

Hey Em, Emsolator Sam here, long time listener, first time caller🙂 congrats on your new live show, it sounds AMAZING!, I was wondering if there will be a live video recording of one of your outgrown live shows for people to watch who are not able to attend in person? Kind regards Emsolator Sam 🙂

Song covers

Omg! Obsessed with the suprise cover of attention at the end of extra this week, could we make this a regular thing?! Covering songs at the end of extra Oooft so good. Love you guys

Anomalous Update?

I just shared a post on the Emsolation FB page this morning I had written as an AuDHD’er parenting three of the same brain types as myself. I know Anomalous is coming very soon - in the interim is there anything you would recommend (other than your own content 😂) that I can share with people around the narrative needing to change for our babies? Your podcast with Dr Golly is my go-to starting point, but I feel I need something more as well. Or do I just hang in there and wait for Anomalous? Feeling very fragile this morning. I just want so much better for all of us, and our children 💔💔

Show anxiety

Ok- apologies in advance! I’ve had to have a hefty wine to even ask this- is there a chance that for us extra extra subs that we can access an online ticket to see a show? I had a Perth ticket in my cart, I couldn’t line up babysitting then the thought of being outside my house at 8pm (I can afternoon these days and even early dinner with a run up- it’s been an agoraphobic journey!) gave me an actual panic attack for the first time in ages! I can normally regulate my anxieties but wanting to show up for you with the impossibility of getting there broke me a little! You don’t even have to tell me now if I can access a virtual ticket until everything has sold out. Maybe just the possibility of one 🤣 I can guarantee I’m not one to share the info if so! Ok, off for my back up wine. I’m so excited for your tour and how brave it is! I wish I could be brave enough to get there, and I know it’s a safe space- it’s the other logistics that paralysed me! (Urgh, overshare, sorry!!)

Thanks Very Merch.

Hey Em. Will there be some new merch available on the outgrown tour? As an avid wearer of floral outfits I’d love some floral themed Emsolation gear. I love the softness of my original Emsolation TShirt! Please repeat! 🌸🌹🌷🌻 Keep being fabulous. From a recently upgraded Extra Extra subscriber, Jemma from Perth!