Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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I don’t feel safe at work

I’m very lucky to have a secure job in the arts in my regional town, and the team I work with is the best team I’ve ever been a part of. However, I do not feel safe to be, for lack of a better phrase, openly autistic/ADHD at work. I was diagnosed Autistic and ADHD a year ago and come home every day exhausted from masking at work. I want to start unmasking in the workplace but don’t feel safe enough to. I have overheard conversations about how people they know who are neurodiverse are ‘difficult’ which makes me anxious about unmasking at work because of the pre-existing thoughts. Moving jobs isn’t really an option because of my location, and a flexible WFH arrangement has already been turned down. Do you have any advice on what I can do to feel safer in my workplace?

Small peen

I have recently started seeing someone new, I am really enjoying my time with this guy and really want to see where it goes longer term. However, he is not blessed with his penis size, I don’t know what classifies micro, I wouldn’t quite give it that status but it wouldn’t be too much bigger. I don’t think someone should be judged on their size because that’s not all a person has to offer and they can’t help it can they! But I am struggling to pleasure him and the sex has been unsurprisingly not super pleasurable at my end either. I know I probably just need to approach this with open honesty and discuss what works best for him and myself etc. but I am wondering if perhaps you have any small peen experience and have some hot tips for me first? Thanks in advance - please keep me under and alias

Totally disillusioned by my career

Hi Em and Michael, I'm at a loss to know what to do with my career. I've been a nurse for almost a decade. It had its issues beforehand but it is a total disaster zone post covid. I've thought about further study but am overwhelmed by both the financial commitment and attempting to study with small kids at home. I wouldn't call opportunities regionally abundant... and I just don't it any more. As an industry it's not real healthy. What to do?


Hi Em and Michael, Em this one's about Dolly. Did you get to pick your mask, and who came up with the clues? Love all your work, Michelle

Fave fashion brands

Em, I remember when you worked in Sydney breakfast radio you told a story about how you found yourself splashing the cash on bougie online purchases late at night! What’s your favourite fashion piece that you own? I LOVE the Gucci rainbow striped tiger jumper in particular!