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with Emsolation Extra

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Renovation advise

EM - I know you are obsessed with interior design (Sorry Michael) - can we send you photos of our space and you can give suggestions! Or at least specifically just my space please <3


First of all…WELL DONE YOU GORGEOUS SPARKLY MAGIC SPICY BRAIN QUEEN! So excited and happy with your fantabulous news 💜👏🏼💜 Can you recommend the best app to listen to your podcasts now please? I have a monthly paid Spotify subscription but would like to know your thoughts. I know Michael mentioned Pocket Casts and I’m looking into that but apart from you and another person I listen to and follow religiously, I rarely use the app and would like to find a cheaper or better alternative! Thank you darling and cannot wait to hear you, Michael and the team at Emsolation Extra…Extra…Extra 😬💜😬

Emsolator Feature

OK so I have no idea really how this would work OR if it would be financially beneficial for either of us (as it would be very small scale ) BUT I imagine a lot of Emsolators own small creative businesses (like myself) or like to shop/support said kind of businesses & struggle to grown their audience or even be seen by the people who might like their wares. How much would it cost to advertise with Emsolation Extra? I'm not talking full blown ad (I imagine that is waaaay out of my budget)... just the opportunity for a shout out? Not asking for personal recomendations ... just say each week a mention of 3-5 Emsolators small businesses. Emsolators support you & you support them right back?

Not a question

I don't financially subscribe to anything! Like anything! When I saw Em talk about backing herself I felt her worry and just had to. It's my birthday next Thursday the 11th so this is my present to me! I hope you get to your target. Flap up!


Why do you feel the need to apologise for asking us (your following) to pay up & subscribe? You create amazing content & deserve to be paid. So Why do you feel the need to apologise for it? Pls stop doing that. But pls dont stop being f*cken amazing... ps. love the use of the C bomb in the first ep.. bravo queen x