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with Emsolation Extra

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Being the “breadwinner”

Hey em, Michael, chela, Ben & zeke! I need some input I’m so conflicted and don’t know if I’m being logical or selfish?! Backstory, my partner & I have been together for 4 years this year. I have been in the community services industry for 5 years now after a big job change from being a chef for 12 years prior. Be My partner has has never studied or up skilled and spent most his life doing odd jobs, handyman work & labouring (nothing wrong with that!). Unfortunately this has left us with quite a substantial gap in our incomes as he is currently working retail and paying child support his his two kids. 2 years ago he also discovered credit cards, phone plans, payday loans & but now pay later programs getting in some crazy debt & having to enter into a debt agreement. I have no kids (other than my fur baby) and bring in over double his income. I also have multitudes of debt but am just managing. The only household contribution he makes is his half of the rent ($300pw) otherwise I pay for groceries , electricity, water, my part of the rent, gas along with my outgoing bills (phone, car etc). I guess the question in all this is what is everybody’s thoughts on sharing the financial load? I used to be a firm believer in 50/50 but as this relationship has unfolded I don’t want to sacrifice how I want to live when I studied & worked hard to get where I am now with the income I have, but I’m also struggling and feeling this huge financial expectation on me from my partner because of my high income.

Could Chella please give us an "Instagram for Idiots" episode. I want to be more supportive of you on Instagram but need help to know what to do that would be most helpful to spreading your gospel to the heathen masses.

Arj Barker

Would love to know, what's your take on the breast feeding mum that was ask to leave Arj Barker's stand up show this week?


Hi Em, Michael, Ben, Zeke and Chella, I was wondering if you will be having special guests on again this year for Extra. I really loved your interviews with Sonny, Matilda, Kaz and Victoria. Thanks Emsolator Lisa💜

Extra Extra videos

Hi there, I’ve upgraded my Extra membership to Extra Extra and just have a quick question. Can you only watch the Extra Extra videos through Supercast not Spotify/Apple?