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with Emsolation Extra

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Is gay bullying still expected in schools

My 15 1/2 year old son is gay and confident and open about this. Side quest (already) I’ve known since he was about 2 and it’s been lovely to watch him grow into himself) we’ve always had a no coming out rule as my 2 straight children, his twin sister and 18 year old son didn’t have to come out! He’s been on a few dates but never had a boyfriend. He does dancing and rocks his world there and is in his happy place, and he’s amazing! But at school there are a handful of dick heads who bully him because he’s gay, call out “look at how he walks” (doesn’t walk differently) “look at his bum” etc stupid lame comments which he just brushed off, but this term a new bully to him has started following him to the train station and walks right behind him and says stuff and it is very intimidating. My son says ohh well I’m different so that’s what you get. I’m horrified at this and want the little bully fuckers dealt with by the school. I’m scared if I tell the school my son won’t trust me and tell me when things happen in the future but if I don’t tell them it is just going to keep happening and potentially get worse. His last major bully his fiery twin sister stood up to them, then that kid went and “cried” to leadership that she bullied him and she got into trouble, she stood up for herself but still ended in her having to apologise to him!! I’m sick of it What should I do? I get this is a rambled short version of the story if you want more details feel free to email or call!

Flap up

I need Scott to learn flap up Word For Word Because we know it and we don’t have the PRIVILEGE OF BEING HER HUSBAND!!!! 😡 P.s Taylor has swifties what are we? Are we sticking to emsolators? Love you guys!!!

Getting yourself out of a funk

Hello Em and Michael! I am going through a sad feelings time at the moment and I'm keen to know how you both of you pull yourself out of funk? What's your self care on bad periods?


So this will sound weird okay… when I am watching TikTok’s I always think “aw I should share this with Em and Michael” then I remember we aren’t friends and feel slightly deflated 😂 I’m sure many listeners feel this way or is it just me? 😂 ps , I loved your nurse pep talk. I’m a nurse and it made my day.

Not a Q, just a thanks

Hi Em (and Michael) I just had a full blown rage attack at my husband. It was almost out of body. And whilst my anger was justified, hooooley doooooley the rage that I felt and exhibited was absolutely blinding and unstoppable and actually pretty gross. This pretty new and inconsolable rage that often struggles for a place to land had me thinking I was going mad. Combined with exhaustion and shit skin and headaches and bloating and just blergh-ness, I sought answers from my doctors who kind of dismissed it as ‘stress’ because I’m ‘only’ 34 and thus they ruled out hormonal stuff without investigating. Your discussions about Peri and your chats with Kaz really gave me the confidence to push on this point and fire my GP and search for better answers, and yes, I’m indeed in peri, which explains the adhd symptom flare ups and the rage and the weirdness in my body. So thank you. I had a gut feel and you empowered me to trust it. I was confused, and your honesty made it make sense. I felt medically gaslit, and your tenancity which you encourage in your listeners absolutely reached me. And as I sit here dropping the last of my shitty eggs like they’re in some kind of Black Friday fire-sale, I was struck that sometimes that gratitude needed to be expressed directly. So, thank you for being you and doing what you do. X