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with Emsolation Extra

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Outgrown audience theme!

Hi Em, I am a long time Emsolator but first time caller šŸ˜œ I canā€™t wait to see you at the Palais as adore you live, and am bringing my oldest friend from Primary school. She is an Em virgin and I certain this show will convert her to a new Emsolator! I want to know what theme (Queen Bey style) youā€™d love to see from your Outgrown audiences if they choose to theme dress? Are we thinking green and floral or something else? What is your vision?


Em & Michael. As a 52 year old peri-menopausal personā€¦.the symptom of dehydrated vag is real. Now. Are all lubes created equally. Do I just buy from the supermarket or chemist. Does it need to be water based (not using with any condoms). Do I go to a sex shop. I just donā€™t know where to start. I know it should be simple but it makes me nervous and uncomfortableā€¦I donā€™t know why. šŸ˜© Canā€™t wait to see one of your live shows this year. Jacqui (anon pleaseā€¦see the shame!) Happy to be ā€œKarenā€ šŸ˜†

A sign from the universe, or at least my Mum.

Hey Em, Today is April 17th - the 7year Anniversary of my Mum's death. She died of a ruptured brain aneurysm at the age of 49. At the time, I was a single mother to three ND children under the age of four and only 24years old. I still desperately felt the need to have a mother in my life. It felt cosmically unfair. Well meaning people would share platitudes about how it was her time or how she was in a better place or that God needed another angel, well that's great but I need my FUCKING MUM! Now here I am, 7 years on, now with a wonderful (although somewhat blind to household requirements) partner, a fourth child (also ND and with a chronic lung disease) and diagnosed AuDHD. Grief is not something that time heals. It is like a tennis ball and life is like a box. When grief first strikes, the box is small, the tennis ball hits the sides of the box and the pain and suffering of loss is overwhelming every time it hits the side. Over time, the grief remains, it is still the same size tennis ball it was at the beginning, but the box of our lives slowly increases in size. There is more time between hits of the ball on the side of the box but when it does hit, it is with the same ferocity and all consuming pain as it first was. Unhelpfully, it is also unpredictable. You never know just when the grief might strike and when that damned tennis ball might hit the sides of your box. Today, on her anniversary, I expect the ball to hit the side, in fact, I expect it to ricochet in the corner for quite some time. The first thing that I saw as I sat paralyzed by grief this morning, willing myself to breathe, focus and move through the pain, was the announcement of your tour dates. What kismet it must have been. For you to announce, on the anniversary of my Mum's sudden departure, that you will be visiting my home town of Toowoomba, on my Mum's birthday. Like a sign sent from heaven itself that even when grief feels overwhelming and pain and sadness want to bury me, my Mum says "it is OK to be happy, it is OK to smile and to laugh and to see the joy in the world. Grief exists but so does happiness." So I suppose this isn't really a question but rather a thank you. For allowing the universe to remind me that grief is a part of me, but so is joy. That pain can co-exist with peace and that it is OK to smile, even in the face of loss. I look forward to seeing you on July 11th and celebrating my Mum's birthday with you in my own little way. In grief and joy, Amanda.

Sing-ers etc!

Hi Em & Michael, thanks to you Em I'm 47 next week and I've recently been diagnosed ADHD and on the waiting list for my Autism assessment. and of course peri-menopausal too! Anyway, my current hyper fixation is sing-ers. I literally can't listen to any music now without wondering if you think they are a sing-er, entertainer etc. Like I'm OBSESSED!! We need an entire podcast dedicated to as many artists out there as possible because I don't have the musical ear that you do and it is literally driving me nuts trying to figure it out. Please please please!!! Lots of love, Karen (not a Karen I promise)

FM Radio Reckoning

Dear Em, would you ever consider joining forces with people youā€™ve had disagreements with, to bring about a ā€œMe Tooā€ movement to the Australian FM radio industry. It seems untouchable, even though itā€™s been hinted at what has gone on (still going on), no one has openly said it. Will FM ever be held accountable? Thanks for all the great entertainment X Anon (please)