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with Emsolation Extra

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“Aggressive” acknowledgment of country

Hi Em & Michael, I’ve always found Em’s acknowledgment of country very powerful, unique, and meaningfully worded to be impactful and respectful. I’ve adapted the wording, and use a version of it at a queer lead event that I run once a month. Recently, a good friend and co-producer of the events took me aside and said that they felt the word ‘stolen’ was too aggressive, and if I wanted to continue with the Acknowledgment, then I should lighten it up, to prevent bringing down the mood at the start of the events. My question is, do you have any advice on how to respond and defend the wording, when the person questioning it is coming across privileged and ignorant. Thank you! (Remain anonymous pls!)

Movie Msking inspo

Hey Michael, so you made movie not suitable for children. What inspired you to write it? Also, I understand it's a lot of work, but would you ever do another film?

Struggling Neurodivergent 🙁

Hi Em and Michael, I hope you are both well. I am 41 year old Female, who has Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Panic Disorder, Fragile X , and I am a Fragile X carrier. Very rare for a female to have Fragile X - quite common to be a carrier. Fragile X genetic disorder) And possibly Autism (undiagnosed) - I’m struggling with all of this as it’s making me hate myself for having fragile X and possibly Autism. I struggle to understand things especially written questions Eg in an assignment or when people talk to me or ask me something, or what really grinds my gears is people laughing at me in a scarastic way, when they ask me to do something and I’m like “I’m sorry, what did you say”? Any tips to just love myself and my neurodivergent self and to have more confidence.

Hi Em. I read your book Try Hard many years ago when it 1st came out. I've recently been listening to the audiobook. You mentioned you have a younger sister. If you dont mind me asking, why do you never talk about her? You speak about Jenny and Vincie but not your sister. Love the podcast. Emsolator Amanda.

Reuben Kaye - entertainer or sing-er?

Hi Em, I want to start by stating I LOVE REUBEN KAYE! Loved hime before I knew you were friends. I went to Apocaliostik literally the night before you and found myself next to an fellow Emsolator i. The second row, ready to go to church ;) She was new to Reuben and in awe of his performance and the show. At the end, she posed the question: is he an entertainer or a sing-er? As a Reuben fan, knowing his background and training and seeing him live a lot, I have a strong view but, well, she disagreed. I won’t disclose our views BUT I want to know - and yes I know thwy’re your friend - but what is your view?