Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Did you ever cry?

Michael, while writing many of the Offspring episodes that brought so many of us to a level of deep sobbing (and not just Patrick's death or the scene between Billie and Nina at the pool)..., I am wondering, if in your writing for that show, did you ever bring yourself to tears? (And then think, "Damn I'm good, we're definitely putting that in the next episode! LOL.)

Christmas Gifts

Hi Em & Michael, AITA for wanting Christmas gifts just for myself? I am a mum of 2 kids & married. Every year my brother in laws & their wives get joint gifts or vouchers but I hate this idea. I always ask for something that only I can use like a book voucher. My husband doesn’t care but his family always ask us what we would like as a collective. I just like to use Christmas & my birthday as a time to ask for things for myself that I would not usually buy throughout the year for myself. AITA? Love you both

Hidden Disabilities Sunflowers

Hey Em, I am a nurse and recently our small, country hospital have become part of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program in Victoria. It’s an easy way for people with hidden disabilities to show they might need an extra hand or support. It’s not really heard of and it is such a great program! I recently was on a tram and saw someone wearing the sunflower lanyard, so I said to them ‘hi I just learnt about the sunflowers’ and we had a great conversation. He said I was the first person to recognize his lanyard and talk to him. I thought you might like to have a look at it!

Wog Parents & Neurodivergence

Hey Em, Michael, Ben & gang! My sister (26) and I (36) will be coming along to the Sydney show this weekend, SO pumped! My sister is in the process of getting her official ADHD diagnosis, this is something she has been navigating over the last few years. As a result of her research and education through clinicians, other ND friends and mentors, has started to find out more about her brain, herself and how to set her and others up for success in her personal & professional life when engaging with her. I am super proud of her (Good For Her!) and glad she is uncovering more about her brilliance on the journey, she's pretty awesome. My question is how did you go with sharing and educating Vincie about your diagnosis and subsequent needs/supports? Given he will be there on Sunday I wondered if he would be happy to help answer this - how did he feel and what worked best for him to understand you best? Our dad is a 69yo Portuguese man who has some very old school thoughts, he lives by the mentality that these are new issues that never existed when he was younger and everyone should just get on with it.... so while I know it is something she has started trying to open up to him about any guidance or insight would be appreciated. xoxo

Call them out? Or be the bigger person?

Hi Em and Michael Love you, love the pod and I am in desperate need of your wisdom. Background: I work in a relatively close knit office (about 20 staff) however there are 3 people who are all from the same country and speak a different language as well as English (they have been in Perth for the last 5-6 years and are the only people in the office who speak this language. For arguments sake let’s say it’s French. It’s not French but want to keep this as anonymous as possible on the off chance someone from my workplace happens to be an emsolator. Unlikely but still). Recently, I accidentally stumbled on a conversation (in French) that popped up on my computer. It is not unusual for messages to pop up like that as we share a semi-communal email (I share it with one other person, and most people know this). I threw it into google translate as usual (these messages are usually work related and I try to be helpful) and discovered that these three people are bitching about me on a daily basis. Super petty shit about what I’m wearing or how I speak to customers. My question is, do I call them out on it or just be the bigger person and ignore it? Just as a side note - I will be leaving this job towards the end of Jan so I’m wondering do I just stick it out? Love to hear your thoughts Anonymous