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with Emsolation Extra

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Work style

Hi Em and Michael You have spoken on the pod about Em has lots of unread emails, missed calls and texts on her phone. What are you like Michael?

Phone lock screens

Hi Em,Michael and Ben What photos does everyone have as their phone lock screen photo?

Tina Arena

What are your thoughts on Tina Arena? She seems to hold some problematic views..

Name and shame (sort of)

In Em's chat with Lizzy Hoo, Em mentioned that a comic had previously said Em only told jokes about being a mum and now this comic's material is being a mum. Are this comic's initals CP or AE? It's been killing me to know ever since!!!!

Hi Gay! But Sad Gay AMA - UPDATE

Hi Em, Michael, Ben, Zeke, James and the whole gang! Just wanting to give an exciting update. After all the drama from my partners brother’s bullfuckery (homophobia) I’m very excited to share that we got ENGAGED this past weekend !! My older sister also stepped in and provided full sibling support for my partner and her best friend made sure we had a magical day. Your advice to stick to our principles has served us well. We haven’t spoken to her brother in months and at family events, we give him the same courtesy he gives us AKA that absolute bare minimum civility. Thank you for you kind words and support following my initial AMA. We are dying to see Outgrown at the Palais and MCA 🫶🫶🫶 Ash, A very happy gay ♥️