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with Emsolation Extra

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Melted rings

I lived in Perth between 2008-2012. I remember something happening on the radio where the host had her wedding rings melted down or something by the other announcer as a "joke". I'm not sure if my memory is correct and this is something that actually happened as its a pretty batshit thing to do. But if so, was this you Em??

Em’s Phone App

Hi Em and Michael, Em, you mentioned that you have an app on your phone that helps you keep on track by reminding you how long you’ve spent on Instagram etc, and makes you justify why you want to open the app. What is this called? I spend way too long procrastinating!!

Fantasy scene rewrite

Hi Guys, I never thought I'd have a question but felt bad for Michael at the Q&A because all the questions were for the queen Em #shade. If you could rewrite one scene (movie or television) what is it and how would you rewrite it.

Teeth brushing

Hi Em and Michael Loved hearing your thoughts re Suzies email about tooth brushing. I go to a boujee dentist who says the new studies show spit out the excess and keep the rest to protect your teeth. I personally can't do it! The taste yuck! Other things they advise. Brush before eating breakfast not after. Cause you have to wait at least 20 minutes or the enamel will erode. Again I can't do this! Mouth wash only if you have gum disease. If you are flossing and brushing that's what you need. Whitening toothpaste is abrasive and don't use with an electric toothbrush. They recommend sensodyne cause it helps anyone of any age enjoy food and cold drinks. Electric toothbrush - make sure it has a switch off if pressed too hard or light that indicates this. And buy the smallest toothbrush head - no one needs to the fancy heads and they are often too big and damage people's gums.


AITA: Christmas edition Dear Em and Michael, This is not so much an AITA, but more a help, what the fuck do I do?!?! I am an AuDHD, neurodivergent 46 year old woman - Hi Em! So this is my thing: I am a single mum to 2 amazing daughters, 14 and 24 ; and a Lala to 1 perfectly scrumptious granddaughter, 1 and a bit. I am an only child raised by a single Dad. Besides my kids, Dad is my person. My one true constant. My most trusted. In January this year my Dad died. I cannot tell you how my whole world fell apart. My dad fucking loved Christmas. It was his time; all about him. He would spoil us - lavish us with gifts, sometimes it was embarrassing. He would bend over backwards for us - cook us multiple 3 course feasts throughout the day and not allow us to lift a finger. He lived for it and was in his absolute element. Anyway he died in January. Christmas freaks me the fuck out at the best of times. Em, you get it. So much pressure, so many people, just so much. So disorganized (ADHD!) But without Dad for the first time in 46 years I just don't wanna do it. What the fuck am I gonna do? My kids are counting on me! Thanks for listening, this podcast means so much, D PS. We will be living in a new family dynamic with other neurodivergent kids. I am already overwhelmed so pretty close to shutdown. My children, even though they are older really depend on me cos we are all disabled. I live with a chronic pain condition. My oldest daughter is chronically ill with a chronic pain condition. She is also a single mum so i am extremely active in my granddaughters life. I thought about going away but too disorganized (ADHD!) so now everything booked out or too expensive. HAALLLP! 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠