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with Emsolation Extra

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Age of listeners

Hello!! I heard on AMA the other week that there was a 26 year old listener about to have a baby and you mentioned that’s one of the youngest listeners. Im also 26 and think you would be surprised how many listeners you have in their 20s. Please make a poll on your Insta close friends to see the age groups of listeners! I would be so keen to get a group of us together and meet other likeminded people my age Thankyou! :)

1989 (helen's version)?

hi em and michael, the swifities in my life have brought to my attention that taylor had a bob in her 1989 era. season 3 of the newsreader takes place in 1989 and a recently shared photo shows that Helen now has a bob, too. coincidence??? xoxo, elyssa

I'm not going to out them

Hi Em and Michael, I've just listen to part 2 of the Offspring AMA, and I'm not going to say it is us but myself and a very good friend of mine were very committed to changing the Wiki page for Offspring. There were other people that would put things up and then we would go and correct the page. I'm not saying that I or they made the episode titles but we spend ALOT of time correcting and adding to the wiki page. Love you both.

AITA- Jan 26 birthday pinic

Hi Em, Michael, Ben, Zeke and the rest of the Emsolation team- One of my parents has a birthday on Jan 26 and we don't celebrate quote-unquote "Australia Day" but will typically have lunch or dinner for their birthday with us and a handful of friends on the day because typically everyone is free. This year, they would like to have a picnic with finska and petanque in a very popular park in our capital city (trying to keep this vague, I don't usually talk like an absolute psycho.) I know that this is for their birthday, but I am very uncomfortable having a celebration so publicly knowing that it's not a joyful day for so many and a birthday picnic is likely seem like an endorsement of something I wholeheartedly disagree with and will be protesting that very morning. This isn't a milestone birthday, so is it fair to ask to move it to the weekend, or to not attend if it is held on the 26th? Thanks! ps: the irony of a white Australian asking two other white Australians about how to navigate an Indigenous day of Mourning is not lost on me, but I'm happy to ask for your emotional labour rather than Blak podcasters who are up to their eyeballs in white guilt at this time of year.

Icons of the 90’s*

Hi Em, Michael and team! To quote the late queen Lizzie, 2023 was my annus horribilis. I shared the details privately with the team at the end of last year with a thank you for helping me survive and even get some laughs in when my world was crashing down around me. I was not a podcast person, but gosh I love having you all in my ears as I do my huffy puffy! I would not have survived 2023 without you, and will never be able to thank you enough for that. (Feel free to use that as a sound grab telling people to sign up for extra, you literally saved me! Cheaper than a coffee a week and much better for you than another bottle of wine!!!) Anyway, I’ve entered 2024 with a new appreciation for the cliché ‘life is short’ and am filling my year with things to look forward to. This includes my upcoming milestone (ending in zero) birthday. The theme I’ve settled on after much deliberation is Icons of the 90’s Can be inspired by movies, sport, tv, music, toys… as long as it’s iconic it’s in. This is the era that defined me. I have two questions for Em and Michael… Question 1 I went to school from 1990 - 2002 (makes it easy to guess the number before the zero). Can I put an asterisk next to 90’s and open up the theme to cover 1990-2002? So many things happened in those first couple of years. The new millennium. The J-Lo Versace dress. The Britney and Justin double denim ensemble. Bjork’s swan dress. I feel like there’s so many iconic options, but the purist in me is torn… I know how much you love a theme so I value your input. Question 2 is the obvious one. Who would you both come as and why? I haven’t decided on my costume yet, but I’ve got until May. Much love, Emsolator Liz xoxo