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with Emsolation Extra

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Update on T Swift tickets

Hi Em and Michael, It’s Tania here - I weighed in a few weeks ago when Emsolator Kristy was debating what to do with her extra Taylor ticket. Thank you for the great vibes you put out into the universe for us - I got tickets today for myself and my daughters!!! My ND daughter is beside herself and is currently outfit planning! We had given up and then - extra tix go on sale today and we are in! I am a little concerned with the crowds we are about to encounter, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it. 🤣 Thanks again!

Thank you thank you!

Hi Em and Michael, this is not a question but a thank you. I’ve just gotten home from tonight’s love show and I had the best time. The accessibility guide was fabulous (thanks Chella)! But I was still really nervous as I was going alone and I’m a little outside your normal demographic ( I’m a 25 year old queer gal). I have pretty bad social anxiety so when I realised the seating situation I was stressed. But I put my big girl pants on when I got there and approached a table with one person on it. WELL, am I glad I did that! I met lovely lachie, and later we had a couple Michelle and Zach join us too! We had a the best chat pre show and it was lovely to experience the community in person. So thank you for a lovely evening. Ps Yes you twisted ours arm and my new mate Lachie and I will be back for the second show next week!! Can’t wait! Love Bridget

Emsolation Extra format

Hi team - quick question. Are the Emsolation Extra eps in video now that the studio has been built? I just subscribed today and the latest eps aren't showing any video. I really hope they are!! Thanks. Emsolator Haley

Should I seek an autism diagnosis?

Hi Em and Michael, Em, I have followed your autism / ADHD journey for the last few years and have done much self reflection. I am a 46 year old woman and have realised a lot of my childhood and adult life reflects autistic characteristics/ traits. I have discussed this with my partner on many occasions, she is very supportive of my “quirks” and also believes I could be on the spectrum. My question is in what ways do you think getting a diagnosis would help me now as an adult? I am quite self-aware, have the support of my partner and have established ways to cope / avoid triggers etc. I am just not sure how or if a diagnosis of autism (or not) would change my life. The main reason I have considered getting one is to feel better about some things from childhood and to understand that I wasn’t just a weird, quirky kid. How would a diagnosis help me as an adult and do you recommend getting one? Thanks for your advice, Emsolator Mel

Zhivago dress

Em! Loved your Zhivago dress at the AACTAs! How did you first meet the designer all those years ago? Did you have input in the design of this dress? And if so what made you decide to choose purple?