Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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To train or not to train

Hi Em. My 13yo daughter was recently diagnosed with ADHD. You played a huge part in shining a light on what was going on with her, so thank you very much for sharing your journey with us & being an advocate for many girls & women. My question is, both her Psychologist & her Paediatrician have recommended that she complete some training in executive function, working memory & emotional regulation. In your opinion is this something we should be considering or is it unfair to expect a ND brain to conform to NT strategies? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I’m feeling very out of my depth.

Explain the Trump legal situation like I’m 5?

Em/Michael - your US political recaps are always a great source of truth for me (when are you going on Q&A btw??). Can you please update us on the current status of the Trump legal situation(s?) and what it means for the election? Trump impressions preferred but not required x

Would you respond

Hi Em, Now that you're an AACTA nominated queen, surely the TV execs will start to pay attention to you. BUT, if they do start calling you, are you going to answer their calls??? I kinda love you as independent and unhinged magical (awful sentence structure, but it's late, I'm tired, and I'm still at work 🤣) Mich

The Gilded Age

As a side-quest, side-quest, side-quest following on from the AACTA episode (congratulations on the nominations to you both, will be watching today!!) I saw that you both enjoy The Gilded Age and my question is, what do you think of the costuming in the show? Historical fashion is my special interest and I love the show 🤓 A fair few of the dresses are based on actual museum pieces from the time! Part two, do you have a favourite ‘look’ from each season? Thank you and Yours Sincerely, AuDHD Emsolator Shauna 💜

Am I the Asshole?

Hi Em and Michael. In recent years, my husband has gotten into seeing punk bands and DJs in Melbourne. Not entirely my jam so he either goes alone or with a mate. We happily do things separately from time to time. We live an hour and a half from Melbourne, outside of Geelong. Over the years, I’ve seen plenty of shows in Melbourne and come back to Geelong that same night. It’s nice to spend a night in Melbs if we can make a weekend out of it or get the time off work, but generally come home the same night. In recent years, my husband has insisted on staying overnight. And more recently, he’s said he plans to do this 4 times a year with his mate, along with his annual bro-cation that costs quite a bit for four nights in the CBD. I too have had a holiday away each year for the past two years now that our younger two kids are older and I’m back at work. I’m all for having some time to rest and recharge away from our four little dictators - I mean beautiful children 🤭. And my husband encourages me to do so often. He likes to help out behind the bar at a friend’s pub occasionally for extra income which he saves to fund his obsession with designer clothes, shoes, and bags, along with going towards these occasional mini holidays. This new plan of increasing them to every few months, he thinks is fair if he’s funding it with his bar work money. He only earns around $100 a night at the pub. He also works a full time job. We have a mortgage, 4 kids (5, 6, 10 and 18), 2 cars, a pug, etc. He would need to work at the pub upwards of 5 Saturday nights, taking him out for much of the Saturday afternoon and Sunday mornings, limiting time and fun activities with our kids not to mention further reducing time to pitch in around the house. Am I the arsehole for telling my husband it’s unreasonable to want to spend around $700-$800+ 3-4 times a year to go to these gigs and stay in Melbourne a couple of nights on top of the time working at the pub? I asked myself, what if I was still gigging 1-3 times a week like I was before kids (I too am a SING-errr and guitarist)? Well, I’m not, cos I have little kids and got burn out in my 30s. But even if I was, my earnings would go straight into our family budget for the most part and I’d still make time to do all the household stuff and keep the family going. I feel like this is aaaaaaallll about him. He doesn’t even bring the kids back anything when he comes back from his jaunts in the big smoke. But he pulls out all his new shirts and shoes and bags and jackets that have no space to be stored in our walk in wardrobe that is mostly housing his obsession. Our kids are young still. I’m already trying to get him to do more with them that doesn’t only involve him dragging them along shopping and all the things he prefers to do 🥴. Am I the arsehole? PS. I’ll see you at the show in Melbourne this Thursday (Feb 15). I’m bringing him along too. For the record - we are coming back to Geelong after the show!! 😂