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with Emsolation Extra

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Not a Question, more a Good For Her

So I'm currently f'unemployed {the apostrophe shortens the following" F(cukin made redundant so now I am)unemployed} and Linkedin is sadly open all hours, but there's a Melbourne crew I thought deserved a shout out: The Digital Picnic. Their CEO just announced that they will cover neurodivergent testing for any employee. Being neurodivergent herself and an advocate, she's really showing that embracing difference gives the best outcomes. So yeah, Good For Her!

Advice on Act 2

Hi Em and Michael, I am a recently divorced mother of two young kids, and turning 40 this year. I've come out of a 20 year relationship with a person who at the time was my soul mate and best friend - we had a really great life together up until the final traumatic year (involving him leaving for someone else and starting a new family). I'm quite lonely now, but I also have sooo many red flags on my list that I don't think anyone I date in future will be able tick most or all the boxes! I was wondering what you would do if it was you? Would you jump into dating and enjoy meeting lots of different people even if they're not right for you, or just enjoy the single life and living life on your own terms for a while?

Desperate for an update!

Em, I am desperate for an update on your Michael Cassel opportunity. How did your audition tape go? Is there anything new to share, or are you sworn/NDA’ed to secrecy?!?! I have done some detective work and I’m sure I’ve worked out what show and role it is. I won’t write it here and spoil it for anyone else. Anyway, if I’m right HOLY MOLY you would be amazing as her and I will be flying in in a heartbeat to see you on stage.

A small peen update

Hello Em & Michael, Love that everyone got such a giggle out of the original small peen dilemma, must admit I was laughing at the ridiculousness of my situation when I wrote to you. Anyway needless to say, you deserve an update, and I wish it was going to be more entertaining, but alas here we are. Despite my many efforts to make the small peen work for me (yes, he couldn’t get hard) another thing I may have strategically left out of my original post. He assured me that was a him problem and not a me problem, which of course made me overthink that to the extreme, and I know erectile dysfunction is absolutely a thing and I’m not here to shame anyone suffering from it. But it is difficult to navigate and dare I say it, a tad disappointing in the moment. None of this matters anymore though because……the small peen man dumped me over the phone out of the blue, no warnings, wait for it….at 6pm on CHRISTMAS EVE…..🥴 I was meant to be having meeting and having Christmas dinner with his family Christmas night, needless to say my Christmas was a real Debbie downer and I ate prawns whilst drinking wine by myself between bouts of tears. Shattered would probably be an understatement because despite all the obvious flaws, I truly thought he was going to be ‘the one’ which makes me feel sick admitting…..🥴 Since then though I’ve taken a long, hard look at my life choices (yes, pun intended there) and from now on, as respectful as I was of the tiny dick, I now live by the lyrics of this incredibly written song: Good riddance I guess….onwards and upwards (hopefully) 😉

Please help me with an ND rundown of The Newsreader

Hi Em & Michael, Bluddy love you guys. All I wanted for Xmas was an Emsolation Extra subscription and thankfully my Dad (my Kris Kringle this year) obliged. I’m a 39yo late diagnosed AuADHDer (Hi Em 👋), mum of two and small business owner (why do we put ourselves through the madness?! - oh wait, because we both LOVE it and don’t want to work in that neurotypical corporate hellscape). So… onto the meat of the question. I’ve been listening through the back catalogue and just listened to the 11 Aug ep from last year where Em mentions how stressful you find Bear, and how you work out the patterns on TV shows because otherwise they can be too stressful. Well… after not watching The Newsreader for ages (because ABC did such a good job promo’ing it and… PDA), I’ve finally started it. But the first ep set off my anxiety something chronic (don’t worry, I’m ok). The workplace tension, yelling, suicide attempt etc etc. It was gripping but stressful for me. So… very long story not so short… can you give me the 2min rundown of all the stressful things that happen so I know them in advance and, therefore, can just enjoy it. I’ve just realised I should probably just read the Wikipedia page… but I’ve now committed to writing this question and it’s my first as an Emsolator Extra so… I’m not going to delete it. Feel free not to read it out on Extra AMA if it’s too long and boring and/or you don’t want to do a long list of spoilers. Haha. Ok… back to back catalogue listening. Keep up the good work you two. Love what you do xx