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T.Swift dilemma

This is a first world issue but I can't make a decision about taking my 15 year old daughter to the Taylor concert. I was lucky enough to secure tickets for her, myself, my friend and her daughter but MY daughter keeps telling me she isn't really a fan. I'm a massive fan T.Swift and have been to her past 2 concerts with my daughter. She's seen her perform twice and still isn't a fan. I know how desperate people were to get tickets to this concert and I feel so fucking lucky that we got them. I know so many other people that idolise Taylor and would REALLY appreciate going including my 12 year old niece who's never even been to a concert. My daughter tells me she still wants to go due to FOMO not because she actually likes Taylor and I feel like it's a massive waste of over $300 bucks. I've asked her to consider letting my niece go instead but she just tells me I'm a horrible mother for putting her in that position. I really, really don't know what to do - just suck it up to keep my normal, teen, rocky mother/daughter relationship intact or just pull rank with the fact that it's actually my ticket and I want to take someone that will consider it a life altering experience? Please help? Love you both and Mr Benjamin Wasley! Kristy

Family listeners?

Hi Em and Michael, Iā€™m curious do your families listen to the pod? Specifically Ems girls and Scott?

Move on - the hyperfocus edition

Have you moved on from cricuting like maniac, or are you still vinyling up a storm? I just bought one and trying to gauge how long this hyperfocus will last šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dear Em, As Australia's ultimate queen of camp would you ever consider submitting your awesomeness to the campiest international platform that is Eurovision? I feel like Australia needs an entrant as divine as you to snatch that eurovision crown Love ya Loads Magenta Fox xoxo šŸ˜˜

I need more Benjamin Wasley in my life

Would it be possible to have a short Monday morning or Friday afternoon affirmation or guided meditation spoken by the wonderful Benjamin Wasley ? I mean .... that voice has the right vibration to sooth this overstimulated, hormonal challenged, neurodivergent, late in life nurse. P.S thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. #relatable.