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Open family communication

Hi there Em and Michael, Back in December 2022, my dads partner was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Which is really shit and hard on everyone, especially my dad who's really flapped up. The problem is, my dad is autistic and has a constant problem with the good old communication about how she's travelling with her treatment. Whenever I ask, I get the simple response "shes okay, dont worry about it". Up until recently, I was like oh okay. Then I was babysitting for a family friend and they asked how her palliative chemotherapy is going. Let's just say I was shocked and upset to say the least. Not at the neighbour, as they simply thought I would know, as my dads daughter. Now my question is. Without stepping on toes and understanding that my dads partner is dying. How can I get my dad to communicate better to me about everything going on for her? Sorry for the emotional question xx

How do I accept this is it for me?

**please keep me anonymous ** Hi Em, Apologies in advance. This might be long. Im in my late 40s and found myself as a single mother of 3. 1 adult, 1 teenager and 1 under 10. I also have elderly parents and as there only child, their care falls to me too. Oh and they are not together, so there is that dynamic too. I didnt sign up for this life at all. I dont know who I am anymore and dont know how to find out. I have spent most of my adult life as a mother and wife and while I'm glad I dont have to deal with my ex's bullshit on a daily basis, unfortunately due to children, I do have to still speak to him. I feel like I became the person he wanted me to be and I have forgotten how to be me. I do try to take time for myself but it feels like I am forcing myself to go on a bad date with myself! Im so lonely and frustrated at having to be everything for everyone and there is no one to be there for me when I need it. I feel like my life is over and cant see a way out of the hole I am in. Please help xx

Marriage diaries round ??

Em has mentioned being piqued at Scott of late, is it time for another mass audience marriage counselling session?

Will you be bringing back lovenumdrums?

We love the ethnic aunties, will there be a comeback? Even if it's just for extra subscribers? Xx

Shout Out not question

Hi Em and Michael, Can you please do a shout out to Table 14 at the Malthouse on Thursday night. We have all bonded and made a group chat. We are all from different walks of life and different personalities from different parts of Australia! Thanks Em and Michael and Emsolation team for creating this safe space! P.S we were the crazy early ones sitting in the sun from 5pm lol x