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Hi Gay! But Sad Gay AMA

Hi Em, Michael and the whole gang I’ve been with my partner for almost four years (both women, I’m 27 and she’s 34). Her only brother (28) got married in October last year and since the wedding there has been a lot of tension in their sibling relationship. We’ve been lead to believe that the new wife has been the cause of this distance / rift because she is homophonic and wasn’t okay with our relationship. My partner has asked her brother time and time again if he has a problem with her being gay and he has always said no. For context she came out to him when she was 16 Yesterday he finally admitted over the phone that he has been lying about accepting her sexuality for the past approx 16 years and he has allowed the family to think his wife has an issue with our relationship when really it’s been him all along. Oh he also told my partner that she is his sister and he loves her and that she is welcome in his house, just without me. Yep that’s right, I am physically not allowed to enter his house. There was other very hurtful things said which I can explain more. In summary my partner is absolutely devastated and heartbroken. She has no idea how to move forward from here. I am heartbroken for her too. I don’t want her not to have a relationship with her brother and honestly I personally couldn’t give a single flying fuck what he thinks but the principle of the matter and her not wanting to condone his actions is killing her too. What would you do in this situation ?? I am at a loss as to how her brother can say in the same breath that he loves her and also does not want me as her partner to be involved or around him. Please help A very sad gay x P.s can’t wait to see you in Feb ♥️


So I know I am 10 years late to the party but I’ve only just recently finished watching Offspring for the first time! I now finally understand the agony over Patrick’s death and why people were so invested in the show, I absolutely loved it. I have two questions for Michael.. 1. I couldn’t help but notice the title of the episode where Patrick dies is called “goodbye Patrick”. I wondered how the choice to name that episode came about as I was surprised it would give away the storyline when there was nothing leading up to that to indicate he was leaving the show? 2. Although the later seasons of the show were still enjoyable I think they had a different “feel” to the earlier seasons and me being biased thinks it’s because you stopped writing for the show. I wondered whether you can reveal the reason you left, and your opinion on the later seasons. Were you happy with how things ended up for Nina and the other characters? PS. Love the pod and can’t wait to see you both in Sydney this weekend! :)

Billie & Mick- Offspring

Michael- why did you have to break up Billie & Mick on Offspring? What was the reason behind that decision? I loved their relationship!

Idol AMA

How did you end up such good friends with Rob Mills, if he was on the first season of Australian Idol and you were on the second season?


Hey Em and Michael, I am a single, 29yo F, I moved into my newly built home in Feb and this is my first Xmas with a mortgage. Am I the asshole for not wanting to buy the extended family children presents due to my budget? I'd asked the family if we could all put in $10 per child and the parent buy 1 large gift from the family, this would mean it would cost each person/couple around $60 for all kids to get a decent gift. This was swiftly squashed and now the expectation is we buy a gift for each child. This is around $250. Plus gifts for immediate family. Should I use my Bills money to get gifts or be the dick on Christmas day when I don't have gifts?