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with Emsolation Extra

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AITA Christmas Grinch

AITA for spelling out the boundaries & expectations for Christmas. Last year I hosted Christmas & my cousin & his wife asked to bring her mum. Happily said yes but on the day they came 2 hours after lunch was meant to be served because they were too busy enjoying the Boxing Day sales. I had a 4 month old, hosting for the first time & cooking for extra guests. It was so fucking stressful so I’ve told my family that lunch will be served at 1pm & if they aren’t there then they’ll eat Christmas lunch cold whenever they arrive. Been told it isn’t very host like to put these boundaries in but now I have a toddler & pregnant. I’m over people’s shitty behaviours. AITA?


Firstly, random fact my friends dog was Rocket the dog (my little claim to fame) My question for Em, When and how did Michael tell you that he was killing off Dr Sexy I mean Dr.Patrick?

Idol watching

Hi Em and Michael, Michael- Did you watch Em while she was on Idol? And if yes, did you vote for her?


Hey Em, I’ve been following your career (along with Ricki-Lee’s and a few others from other seasons) since Idol days. Just wondering how much choice you had in what you sang on the show? Could it be anything you wanted or were you presented with a list to choose from? Would you have made different choices in retrospect? Thanks for entertaining and educating us with Emsolation. Love your work! 😊 Steve

Life hacks

Hi Em & Micheal Interested to know your life hacks you use all the time For me, i wear my undies inside out so i dont feel the tags or seams, i hang tshirts with pegs under the armpits, fold them straight from the line into the basket so they arent crinckled if they sit there forever, and throw some tpaper in the toilet before no.2 so no backslash. Keen to know what life hacks you use !! Anneka - Adelaide