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with Emsolation Extra

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Hi Em, I’m currently seeing a psychiatrist for an ADHD assessment. She has mentioned to me that she believes there could also be an OCD and Autism diagnosis. Before she can finalise her decision she has requested to meet my parents and discuss my behaviour as a child. My parents are boomers and are both of the belief that I was a “perfect child”. They are both very weary of ‘labels’ and have not reacted well when I have brought it up previously. I mask very well, so my struggles aren’t obvious to many people which complicates things further. How do I help my parents understand the struggles I am having without offending them? How can I best prepare them for this meeting? I’m concerned that their discussion with my psychiatrist will affect my diagnosis progress 😥 Thank you 🩷

Have you read Thelma the unicorn to Elio?

Hi Em! Have you ever read Thelma the unicorn or the return of Thelma the unicorn? They are a favourite in our house with my 4 year old son, and every time I read them I think of you! I also think of Michael as Otis. I would love to know if you identify with Thelma, especially in the second book when she decides fame is best with her best friend by her side (like doing your own podcast!)

Novelty Tshirts

Hi Em and Michael Does my memory serve me correctly that one Mr Michael Lucas has a Novelty Tshirts collection? I have seen some in video parts of the pod and would it possible to see a self made video of them all or your top 5?


What's your favourite dinosaur? People stop asking when you grow up and that's lame.

Visual Content Request

Benjamin Wasley! Do you know the amount of times I have gone to automatically send a “good for her!” meme to a friend or group in private chats or to share more broadly on socials?! I even google imaged ‘Em Rusciano good for her’ this evening to no avail. Can you please bring this vision to life for us in meme form? I’m picturing Em in the background with Emsolation branding all over it, but with “good for her!” clearly printed somewhere in it. I feel this would be used in my every day tool kit, just as it as it is in my verbal repertoire! Bonus points if you put it on the insta grid! There would be so many Emsolators I imagine would share this therefore being an easy marketing tool? 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Ez