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For Michael re Offspring

What was your proudest Offspring moment? What's something about the show you'd do differently if you could?

Idol Question

Hi gang! Which judge was the biggest diva? Did any of them even make an effort to interact or get to know the contestants or did they just be judgey mcjudgersons from afar?

Australia Idol

What was your favourite and least favourite thing about your time on Idol? Is there anything you'd do differently, if you were given the chance?

Christmas Am I the areshole

Am I the grinch for having Christmas because I have to spend it with extended family which see three or less times a year? I find it strange to be forced to celebrate in a room of people who are effectively strangers.

Idol realisation

Hi Em and Michael. Em you mentioned before idol you’d never sung in front of an audience before, what prompted you to audition for a nationally televised singing competition seemingly out of the blue?