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Offspring owls

Was there a significance to Nina’s owl obsession in the first season? It seemed to drop off after season 1 but quite a significant point in that first season


Hi Em & Michael! Em, ive always wondering what Tattooes you have, when you got them & their significance to you Cheers!

Autism Recommendations

Hi Em! I just finished listening to your In Conversation with Sonny Jane Wise episode and wow! It just filled my cup and normalised so many of my experiences - so first and foremost thank you so much for everything that you do and all the amazing content that you put out into the world. These little glimmers of neurodivergence awesomeness light up dark days. I have ASD and immediately went and followed Sonny on socials - are there any other kick-arse ASD authors/activists/generally amazing people that you recommend following to light up my feed?

Positivity of being a parent

Dear Em, When I was first pregnant, it was insinuated that my life was now over. After having the baby, my friends would ask ‘what’s the hardest part about having a baby?’ 9 months and so many sleepless nights later, I need some positivity. What’s your favourite thing about being a parent? Don’t stop at one thing. What was your favourite part of your kids being babies? At their current age now? When they were 3? You get my gist. Being a parent is hard, you always seem to be killing it. Please give me some positivity! Cheers, Alannah

Overwhelmed AF mum

Hi Em, This is my first time asking for advice on this topic and honestly, you were the first person that came to mind. I have a nearly 2 year old son. The light of my life. It is looking like we’re facing an early ASD diagnosis after certain things were flagged by his MCH nurse and furthermore, doctor. He is an incredibly independent, chatty, happy toddler that knows a good excavator when he sees it. His little quirks, to me, make him quintessentially him but I am now riddled with anxiety about what the future holds. Will he have friends? Will school eat in alive? Will he get invited to birthday parties? My mind is racing with the “what ifs”. I was wondering if you could advise me of anything that helped you (or continues to help) with your own journey with Elio - books, podcasts, people to follow, I’ll take anything you can recommend. Regardless, thank you for reading and thank you endlessly for the safe and empowering community you have created.