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with Emsolation Extra

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I NEED to hear Em & Michael’s thoughts on Elizabeth Hurley and her son

Hi Em & Michael (and Ben, and Zek, and James, and Chella!), love your work team! I’ve listened through the whole back catalogue since becoming an Extra subscriber at Christmas. [Segue] Officially THE BEST $$ I’ve ever spent. Honestly, you guys make me laugh on even the darkest days and I’m so grateful. [Segue over] and I dont think I’ve heard any chat about Elizabeth Hurley and her son. I NEED to hear your thoughts. They look like clones of each other and he’s (I checked his pronouns) just so bluddy beautiful. Apparently he’s directing whole films and he’s only 20. I don’t understand it. Is he some kind of genius mermaid who has grown legs and infiltrated us humans?!

Music and Neurodivergence sitting in a tree..

Hi Em, I wanted to ask you for your thoughts on what music means to you as neurodivergent but very specifically the song Ain't Nobody by Chaka Khan. I know you've touched on it briefly but I would love your passionate, hyperfocus thoughts! This song has always been my touchstone and I can remember vividly my heart being blown away the first time I heard it. I have yet to hear a cover that captures that soulful punch to your heart when Chaka sings "I was so lonely.." Music for me feels like a soothing balm from the exhaustion of the world, so safety essentially but also a pumped up exhilaration of finding a place to feel all my feelings. So Em, what does music give to you?


Hey Em, the world seems so heavy right now for women - how are you handling these conversations with your daughter's? Mine are younger, but my oldest is on the verge of highschool and I just am petrified for the world that lays ahead.

Why did Mr Michael Lucas move to London for a bit (recap required please!)

Hi em - love everything you do Hey i am not sure what planet i was on but for some reason i missed the whole reason why Mr Michael Lucas was living in London…i know it was a while ago but i have never been able to find in the pods why he moved away for a bit - i am curious - was it for work? If so what work? Etc etc - would you mind recapping this for me? Thanks Sarah from Canberra

Extra Extra videos

Hi there, I’ve upgraded my Extra membership to Extra Extra and just have a quick question. Can you only watch the Extra Extra videos through Supercast not Spotify/Apple?