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with Emsolation Extra

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Curious about Continuity

When I watch shows I always love to pick up on continuity errors, you know hair up in a conversation then all of a sudden the hair is down. Niche ND hobby I know. I have always wondered how they aren’t picked up, or if they just don’t have the shot and have to work with what they’ve got and hope no one notices. So imagine my delight when I notice one in the most recent season of 5 Bedrooms, I thought “Yay I can just ask Michael”. In the camping episode Ben’s daughter Mia is sitting in the drivers seat of the car and she has her seatbelt on, then off, then on again. Just curious how these get through. Love you both to bits 🥰 Jude

Artists & reconciling with their less than ideal acts

Hi, Apologies if this has been covered but what do you both make of what Madonna did in response to Sinead O’Connor ripping up an image of the Pope on SNL? How do you each reconcile the art (music/movies/books/etc) of those who have done things you deeply disagree with outside of their art? I have similar issues with the Potter franchise and wonder about introducing my kids to it now that I know that JKR is definitely in the white supremacist/neo fascist camp. Please know I am not judging anyone else’s choices, I am just curious as to how you two handle or approach these issues. Thanks, Danielle

ADHD and Autism Diagnosis.

Hey Guys So my daughter (5) has recently been diagnosed with ADHD with hyperactivity and Autism level 2. Iv always known that she was an incredibly active kid who never stops (as in she moves and talks in her sleep) She's also had an IQ test done and come out with results saying she's within the 75th percentile with intelligence. She's an incredibly smart loving social girl who honestly just wants to meet everyone and experience everything. Can you give me an advice on how to support her wants and passion while also maintaining that line of safe so that she doesn't get hurt to often. Thanks Alex

Newsreader podcast

Hi Em and Michael, I am LOVING the Newsreader but am finding the podcast sometimes misses the point. How are you finding listening to it? Love your work x

ADHD Demand Avoidance

Em, do you experience demand avoidance as part of your ADHD/Autism and any tips for overcoming or managing this?