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Getting treated differently after diagnosis

I have a 21 year old friend who has just been diagnosed with ADHD and is starting the assessments for Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is worried about telling people about the ADHD let alone the Autism because of how the world perceives these diagnoses. She is worried people will treat her differently. I have given her some advice on the situation but want to get advice from someone who had to not only go through the same thought process but probably had/have to support their children with the same thoughts.

Taken Advantage Of?

Feel free not to answer but.. is it frustrating when you see comments on the FB page saying people are going to sign up for just 1 month and listen to everything? I feel like it's taking advantage of all the hard work everyone puts in!

Seperate beds?

Hi Em & Michael, Em you’ve mentioned a couple of times that you sleep with Elio in your bed, I have a 2 year old that seems to sleep in my bed with me more often then sleeping in her own bed. When that happens most of the time my husband moves out to the spare bed because my daughter moves a lot while sleeping. I’m just wondering if Scott also sleeps in the bed with you and Elio or does he have his own bed because I am wondering if I am I the asshole for getting a better night sleep when my husband isn’t in the bed? Love you both

Stretching Advice

For Em or Scott: I used to be a dancer - forever ago - but was never like one of those competitive super impressive ones. I have recently restarted with a beginner dance class to get some exercise and fun in my life and loving it! Except I feel useless at the stretching portion of the class. I am desk and heels bound most of the week and have no bendy ability. Also I am magic brained so there is no way I am just going to stretch at home without someone yelling at me to do it. Any advise from your sports experience? TIAxxx

Partner/Moving Advice

Hello Em and Michael - I am hoping you are both enjoying your time away. I wish to give you an update with your response from Episode #12 (Em goes Rouge).. Unfortunately things haven't really made any progress at home, and I've decided to keep things quiet about work because it has set my partner off into a wild world of questions and criticism against me. As I've said before I have all the NeuroSpicy™ traits (Autism, Major Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD and more) and all of this is starting to have a impact with my other partner who I spend more time with due to the fact that they don't judge me or side on me with things. I am very close to packing up and leaving Partner #1 because I can not cope with the mess and all the questions and criticism I get from them and my two other housemates. It's getting so bad that they've started to tease and be annoying to my cat Nudge (Balck and white cat with a upside down heart around his nose) by picking him up and pulling his tale and even yelling at him. I guess basically I just want to ask.. What The Fuck do I do? I would move out but I can not financially support myself comfortably and I would have to cover my spot on the lease with Partner #1 as I'm on it.. I just want out, to be feel happy and not be judged for just being me. Please help ! Regards Sebastian also known as Sodor (yes the island from Thomas The Tank Engine ) (A Gay Non-Binary Train)