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with Emsolation Extra

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Narcissistic Ex

Hi Em and Michael, I need your help! Long story short, I met my ex when I was 21, now 30, and he was 20, now 29. We fell hard in love and had a passionate relationship. He has lots of trauma that he hasn't worked through and this has made him into a narcissist. We have the most amazing 5 year old daughter. He is an amazing Dad. At the start of last year I left him cause I had enough (good for her), I lived my best life for 10 months and pretended I didn't just go through that, so I ended up having a mental break down. We became close again because he seemed to change and he crept his way back in. 6 months of this year we have been seeing each other and he's pretty much lived at my house. But it was all a secret and there was never a comittment, only empty promises again about going to therapy. I called it off again because nothing really changed, but all I actually what is for him to get help, us to go to counselling and just have the best life. How do I move on if I love him but know he is a whole lot of fucked and I am probably better off without him? Side note, my mother is a narcissist so I only really know this kind of love.

Solidarity on movie etiquette

I too went to see the Barbie movie and was mortally distracted by people sitting along side me. No loud chip munching but a group of teenagers who insisted on talking, looking at their phones and scrabbling around in bags for the ENTIRE film. I may have whisper yelled at them to shut up at one point and will have to go to the movie again as I didn't take it all in. My poor nurodiverse brain was distracted by the light, movement and sound going on next to me. Left me wondering if I'm just an old woman now or if we have all forgotten how to function in public after covid?

Sibling Order

Where are you in your sibling order? I feel like so much can be said about a person depending where they are in their sibling order. I’m second and I have 3 children. I see such similarities in my older, my husband’s older and my oldest child. First born kid seems to be more into rules, perfectionist and a little bit more selfish. Second born seem to be a bit more adventurous and more empathetic. Thoughts?

5 bedrooms

Michael; if you got another season of 5 bedrooms, what would all the characters be doing? I need to know what would happen next!


Em, you mentioned that you aren’t an only child but we never hear about your sibling. Would you tell us about them?