Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Hi Em, love your work! Thanks to you I'm on the path to being diagnosed autistic. I have 2 questions: 1 - do you ever wish you knew you were ND prior to having children? I am a terrible mum when I'm overstimulated (most of the day 😬) and I wish I had coping skills and knowledge about my autism before I chose to have babies. 2 - how did you decide when to separate from Scott and when to reconcile? Currently in the process of separating from my husband with the plan that he'll move to a rental for 12mths then move back. But I want to make sure it's the right thing to do before he moves back or we reconcile. Appreciate any and all advice! Thanks, Jojo

AITA- Birthday meltdown

Hello Em, First off thank you for everything you do. I appreciate you showing up day in and day out. I am a glass of wine deep and after 2 back to back babies that is about my limit before I am ready to throw down. AITA. Today is my birthday, Notoriously I hate birthdays- as an ND girly ADHD/ASD/OCD represent! I find the overwhelming, overstimulating and always disappointing. So this year I decided to postpone my birthday from actual day off my birth to a day later in the week where it would not be as overwhelming. Not out of dramatics but because I knew I couldn’t cope with it on the day, I politely and in detail explained to my husband that I want the keep our 2 year old and 3 year old home from daycare on the Friday (4days after my bday) and do something then. I clearly explained, my husband was able to close the communication circle by reiterating back to me what we had discussed and agree (hello someone has been doing therapy). Right before I again reminded him however on the day of my birthday he COMPLETELY disregarded the plan and went rogue. I should explain I have a genetic disorder that has flare ups. I am currently in one and one of the symptoms is debilitating pain so I have not been sleeping and I am in agony but cost of living means I have still been working. I told him I need sleep, some exercise, to attend therapy then go to work for my birthday while he sorted the kids daycare drop off and pick up (he is on leave) instead he pulled me out of bed after 1.5hrs sleep with two very upset and overstimulated toddlers to force me to open a gift (which was terrible but besides the point) and eat a breakfast of food I do not like on a time limit because the kids have to be at daycare at a certain time and was SHOCKED when I was not grateful. So AITA for not being grateful to my husband for celebrating my birthday despite me explicitly telling he not to and the VALID reasons why I wanted to postpone?

Musical Theatre Pay

Hi Em Loved your interview with Jemma Rix it was pure joy for musical theatre fans. You mentioned in there that the actors/actresses don't get paid nearly enough and it got me wondering what they would get paid. On the weekend I went to see And Juliet which was incredible and have of course been listening ot the sound track on repeat ever since. The Lyric theatre capacity is 2000 people, say they are 75% full at an average of $120 a ticket (I think I am being conservative) = $180,000 in ticket sales. I know that there are a lot of people in front of house, back stage, rehearsals etc but are you able to give some insight into how it all works and what the starts of the show get paid. I am all for paying to see this incredible talent on stage so this isn't about wanting it cheaper its about wanting to see them get paid well for what they do. Also any idea on what And Juliet would have had to pay to get to use all of those songs from other artists? Many thanks for being providing a musical theatre, see you in Canberra! Emsolator Bec

What's Next?

Hi Crew! Michael, now that The Newsreader is coming to a close, what is next for you?


Hi Em, I finally had a chance to catch up on some insulation episodes today. A comment you made, caught my attention - ‘older sibling’. I didn’t realise you had sibling/s. Just wondering if you’re similar? Eg performer, singer. What was it like growing up etc Thanks Kristy